[gnu.g++.bug] Installing g++ 1.35.0 on Convex C-220

adc@cpsvax.cps.msu.edu (Alan Cabrera) (05/28/89)

I'm attempting to install g++ 1.35.0 on our Convex C-220 running Convex
Unix release V7.0.  The makefile barfs when compiling newld.c.  An
exerpt from the make output:

gcc version 1.35
 ../gcc/cpp -v -DTARGET=-1 -DSTANDARD_SEARCH_DIRS="/mnt/adc/lib",
"/lib", "/usr lib", "/usr/local/lib" -DSOS -DESKIT -DSOS -DESKIT -undef
-D__GNUC__ -Dconvex - parsec -Dunix -D__convex__ -D__parsec__ -D__unix__
newld.c /tmp/cc001716.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.35
 ../gcc/cc1 /tmp/cc001716.cpp -quiet -dumpbase newld.c -g -version -o
/tmp/cc00 716.s
GNU C version 1.35 (convex) compiled by GNU C version 1.35.
newld.c: In function enter_file_symbols:
newld.c:1807: invalid use of undefined type `struct nlist'

and so on...

Anybody have any idea what's going on?

Alan D. Cabrera

csmith@convex.UUCP (Chris Smith) (05/28/89)

No flavor of GNU ld will work easily on a Convex because the a.out
format isn't right.  Here's an ld++ program that runs /bin/ld.  If you
have Icon, you can just run it, otherwise I guess you have to write
something equivalent.

Touch newld.o and ld++ in the g++ build directory (to shut make up),
and install this as /usr/local/lib/ld++.

(PS: there is a gotcha in stream.cc -- convex _doprnt returns void,
not a status indication, so take out the "stat = " part of the
"stat = _doprnt ..." line, and add "stat = <the right thing>".  
Let me know if you figure out what the right thing is...  I'm using 0
for now.)

---------- ld++.icn ---------- 
procedure main (argv)

  # Get scratch file names

  pid := read (open ("echo $$", "p")) | stop ("can't read pid")
  codefile := "/tmp/" || pid || ".out"
  hookfile := "/tmp/" || pid || ".o"

  # Scan args.  Remove -C.  Remove "-o name" and remember it.

  ldargs := ""

  args := create !argv
  while arg := @args do 
    case arg of 
	"-o" : outfile := @args
	"-C" : {}
	default: ldargs ||:= " " || arg

  /outfile := "a.out"

  # load the program with -r, feed that to nm, open a pipe to the nm output.

  inf :=
    open ("ld -r -o " || codefile || ldargs || " && nm -p " || codefile, "rp")

  # open a pipe to the assembler

  outf := open ("/usr/local/lib/gcc-as -o " || hookfile, "wp")

  # write the hooks file and assemble it

  write_hooks (inf, outf)

  # see if it all worked

  if integer (close (inf)) ~= 0 | integer (close (outf)) ~= 0 then
      system ("rm -f " || codefile || " " || hookfile)
      stop ("load failed")

  # now load in the hook file and write the real output file

  system ("ld -o " || outfile || " " || codefile || " " || hookfile ||
	  " && rm " || codefile || " " || hookfile)


procedure write_hooks (inf, outf)

  constructors := []
  destructors := []

  every !inf ?
    if tab (find ("__GLOBAL_$I$")) then
      put (constructors, tab (0))
    else if tab (find ("__GLOBAL_$D$")) then
      put (destructors, tab (0))

  # in .text, list of constructor addresses, one per word, terminated by zero

  write (outf, ".text")
  write (outf, ".globl ___CTOR_LIST__")
  write (outf, "___CTOR_LIST__:")
  every write (outf, "\tds.w ", !constructors)
  write (outf, "\tds.w 0")

  # in .data, linked list of destructor addresses (link in first word,
  # destructor address in second word), terminated by zero link,
  # pointed to by  ___DTOR_LIST__ .

  write (outf, ".data")
  write (outf, ".globl ___DTOR_LIST__")
  if *destructors = 0 then 
    write (outf, "___DTOR_LIST__:\n\tds.w 0")
      d := create !destructors
      write (outf, "\tds.w 0\n\tds.w ", @d)
	write (outf, "\tds.w .-8\n\tds.w ", @d)
      write (outf, "___DTOR_LIST__:\n\tds.w .-8")
