[gnu.g++.bug] Explicit conversion of derived* to a base*

keffer@SPERM.OCEAN.WASHINGTON.EDU (Tom Keffer) (07/26/89)

//The following code is from Stroustrup, p. 197.  If you believe in God,
//it should compile.

//It involves manipulating private base classes through pointers.

class base {
  int m1;
  int m2;

class derived : base {

  derived d;
  base * pb;
  pb = (base*)&d;      // Explicit conversion

Gives the following error (g++ 1.35.0; Sun3; SunOS 3.5):

In function int main ():
junk.cc:19: type `derived' is derived from private `base'

 Dr. Thomas Keffer          | Internet: keffer@sperm.ocean.washington.edu
 School of Oceanography     | BITNET:   keffer%sperm.ocean.washington.edu@UWAVM
 Univ. of Washington, WB-10 | uucp:     uw-beaver!sperm.ocean.washington.edu!keffer
 Seattle, WA 98195          | Telemail: T.KEFFER/OMNET
    (206) 543-6455