[gnu.g++.bug] Stringnode.h

jeffw@CSSUN.TAMU.EDU (Jeffrey A Waller) (10/10/89)

#ifndef __node
#include "node.h"

#ifndef __string
#include "strng.h"

#ifndef __Stringnode
#define __Stringnode

class Stringnode: public node
{  private:

      string stringdata;


      virtual node *Copy();

      virtual unsigned long IdentifySelf();

      virtual int DerivedFrom(unsigned long derivedid);


      Stringnode(char* copyfrom = 0);

      Stringnode(Stringnode &sn);

      virtual Stringnode &operator=(Stringnode &sn);

      virtual int Same(node *comparenode);

      virtual void Print(ostream &output);

      virtual ~Stringnode();


tiemann@LURCH.STANFORD.EDU (Michael Tiemann) (10/10/89)

Please never send files which have not passed through the GNU
preprocessor to this newsgroup.  It is a pain to assemble the
different files just to do that.  If you think your code is
interesting enough that people should have a look at it or use it,
send the code along with your reasons to libg++ maintainers.
