[gnu.g++.bug] g++-1.35-1 and gdb3.2 seem to misunderstand the following

rjk@sequent.UUCP (Robert Kelley) (10/11/89)

It seems that g++-1.35.1- and gdb3.2 have some difficulty with the following:

$ cat foo.c

struct Foo {
        enum FooEnum { FOO_0, FOO_1 };
        int a;
        Foo() { a = FOO_0; }

int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp)
        struct Foo bar;
        return bar.a;

$ g++ -v -g -o foo foo.c
g++ version 1.36.0-
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-cpp -+ -v -undef -D__GNU__ -D__GNUG__ -D__GNUC__ -D__cplusplus -Dunix -Di386 -Dsequent -D__unix__ -D__i386__ -D__sequent__ f
oo.c /tmp/cc012322.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.36
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-cc1plus /tmp/cc012322.cpp -quiet -dumpbase foo.c -noreg -version -G -o /tmp/cc012322.s
GNU C++ version 1.35.1- (80386, BSD syntax) compiled by GNU C version 1.35.
 as /tmp/cc012322.s -o foo.o
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-ld++ -o foo -C /usr/local/lib/crt0+.o foo.o /usr/local/lib/libg++.a /usr/local/lib/gcc-gnulib -lg -lc
$ gdb foo
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Reading symbol data from /crg3/ui/rjk/play/foo...done.
Type "help" for a list of commands.
(gdb) b main
Reading in symbols for foo.c...Invalid symbol data: bad structure-type format at symtab pos 20.
(gdb) q