[net.games.rogue] Dealing with Trolls, etc

wallen (09/24/82)

One tactic that I have used to great success with
trolls and other nasties is to save the game and
take a short break.  Time and time again I have
observed myself and others fall prey to some
slavering beast while all the time they had
the means to save themselves.  Usually people
panic and rush into combat.  By the time they
begin to seek some alternate methods, their hit
points are too low and "boom boom; out go the lights".
By saving the game when you first encounter trouble,
you give yourself a fresh look at the situation
with all of your options still open.  One word of
caution: some early versions (like 3.6) had a bug
which would let you save the game only 17 times; this
is clearly a drag if you want to do a lot of saving.

Specifically for trolls: the staff of drain life works
well if you have sufficient hit points.  The real winner
is the ring of stealth.  It keeps trolls from waking up
and lots of them aren't born wandering--they're effectively
neutralized.  (I'm not sure about "party rooms", though.
I call them "party rooms" 'cause all the monsters like
to come over and dance).

Not yet a total winner,
Mark Wallen
