[net.games.rogue] Raising Level and Unfair Traps

pha (10/08/82)

In addition to monsters being affected to traps, I would like to see monsters
be affected by potions thrown at them or scrolls shown to them (with a O[dir]
command or something like that). This would make a use for potions such as
confusion and paralyzation and scrolls such as sleep and teleportation (used
as an offense rather than a defense).
I'm sure plenty of you out there would like the same....
				Paul Anderson

ARPAVAX:arnold (10/11/82)

Now, now, folks.  Let me deal with the two points raised
	(1) Thrown potions, scrolls, etc. should affect monsters

Why?  What does a monster do with it?  Does it grab a potion you
through at it and drink it?  Would you drink a potion a monster
threw at you?

	(2) Monsters should be affected by traps

Of course.  Then again, maybe not.  Should a monster, if it knows about
a trap, avoid it (like you do)?  I think so, depending on the intelligence
of the monster.  Now, wait a minute.  What's that?  The \intelligence/
of a monster?  There is no concept of monster intelligence in the game to
use in such a way.  And then, how do you know if a monster knows about
a trap?  Has it been there before?  And then, if you open up monster
intelligence, monster should know the entire dungeon map and how to get
at you; they should know to run away if they are about to die; they
should know to use teleport traps; they should try and get you to step
on other traps...  I'm afraid that this will have to wait for some
later version of rogue, since I'm not about to deal with the issue
of monster intelligence at the moment.  Until then, I punt the issue.

		Your in greater agony

emrath (10/12/82)

uiucdcs!emrath    Oct 12 01:11:00 1982

Simple (minded) suggestion:

  If the trap shows on the board, the trap has been identified for all to
see, both monsters and you. Also, monsters can unknowingly find traps just
like you. Then you can see traps that monsters find (and avoid them) and
monsters can see traps that you find (and avoid them, possibly with a
probability <1, depending on the monster). If monsters can be made to
always avoid scare monster scrolls, why can't they also always avoid
traps that show? On the other hand, having monsters find traps for you
and have them be hurt by arrows/darts, or disappear, leaving an identified
trap for you would just make the game easier!!

mcewan (10/12/82)

uiucdcs!mcewan    Oct 12 10:51:00 1982

That would also mean that monsters could fall through trap doors, which means
R's on level 19, A's on level 13, etc.