[gnu.g++.bug] IMPORTANT: Compiler CRASH BUG isolated

jj@idris.id.dk (Jesper Joergensen [ris]) (01/19/90)

This is an IMPORTANT followup on a  Looooonng  bug report I posted yesterday,
where I included a lot of preprocessed source code, so that you could reproduce
the BUG. The compiler crashes with a "segmentation violation", while processing
a constructor call in value context, i.e. inside an expression.

I have now ISOLATED the BUG and found that my program was illegal with respect
to the member function visibility of C++, as soon as I corrected the visibility
of the function in question no compiler crash occured.

Below is two examples which will demonstrate the problem thoroughly, one with
and one without compiler crash.

COULDN'T ISOLATE THE BUG AT THAT TIME (next time I won't submit bug reports
late in the evening).

****** Example WITHOUT CRASH start ******
class Test {
  int member ;
  Test(int member1) {
    member = member1 ;
} ;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  Test x(2) ;
  x = Test(7) ;
  return 0 ;
******* Example WITHOUT CRASH end *******

The above example compiles without any errors of any kind, since there aren't
any (knock, knock ... :^). However, if the constructor is made private, as in
the below example, the compiler will crash instead of making a suitable error

******* Example WITH CRASH start *******
class Test {
  int member ;
  Test(int member1) {
    member = member1 ;
} ;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  Test x(2) ;
  x = Test(7) ;				// This is the offending line
  return 0 ;
******** Example WITH CRASH end ********

When running the compiler on the above example I get the following output.

******** CRAHS compilation start ********
% pwd
% g++ -v ctortest.cc -O -S
g++ version 1.36.3- (based on GCC 1.36)
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-cpp -+ -v -undef -D__GNUC__ -D__GNUG__ -D__cplusplus -Dvax -Dunix -D__vax__ -D__unix__ -D__OPTIMIZE__ ctortest.cc /usr/tmp/cc021595.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.36
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-cc1plus /usr/tmp/cc021595.cpp -quiet -dumpbase ctortest.cc -O -version -o ctortest.s
GNU C++ version 1.36.3- (based on GCC 1.36) (vax) compiled by GNU C version 1.36.
default target switches: -munix
ctortest.cc:7: warning: all class member functions are private
ctortest.cc:7: warning: class Test only defines private constructors and has no friends
ctortest.cc: In function int main (int, const char **):
ctortest.cc:10: constructor `Test::Test (int)' is private
ctortest.cc:10: in base initialization for class `Test'
ctortest.cc:11: Segmentation violation
g++: Program cc1plus got fatal signal 11.
********* CRAHS compilation end *********

All the leading error messages are correct, due to the illegal use of the
private constructor. The use within value context in line 11, however results
in a crash instead of an error message.

That should be all, oh BTW

I am using:	g++ version 1.36.3-
based on:	gcc version 1.36
under:		Ultrix V2.2-1 Worksystem V1.1 System #2
on a:		DEC VAXstation 2000

though I don't think that has anything to do with the bug.

Once again I apologize for having troubled you with the long posting yesterday.

	Good luck, hopes this clarification helps

	Jesper Jorgensen	jj@idris.id.dk

	Research associate
	Department of Computer Science
	Technical University of Denmark
	DK-2800 Lyngby