[net.games.rogue] losing strength

mcewan (10/21/82)

uiucdcs!mcewan    Oct 20 20:41:00 1982

What makes you lose strength (other than ants and poison)?
A lot of times I notice that my strength goes down for no apparent
reason in the lower levels. Some times I stay the same strength
until I get killed (usually level 18-22) and others my stregth will
go down 3 or 4 points in the space of 2 levels.

emrath (10/21/82)

uiucdcs!emrath    Oct 21 10:23:00 1982

It is also worth noting that armor class seems to have an effect on
whether dart traps will tap your strength or not. When I was coming
up once, I was never tapped when wearing ac 1, although I stepped
on quite a few dart traps. Also no ants stung me. While wearing ac 7,
3 darts connected and one ant did.

dave (10/22/82)

Besides ants and poison, some darts are poisoned and take strength
if they hit.
					Dave Cohrs

dave (10/22/82)

You lose strength occasionally when you move into a dart trap,
fom my experience. That loss, however, seems to rebuild with time
just like hit points.
	I have another question: what is the effect of a low strength?
Is it FEWER hits, or LESS EFFECTIVE hits? I would have expected the
latter, but it's very hard to see a pattern. Similarly, does armour
class very low reduce the number of hits you take as well as the
number of hit points taken off for a given hit?