[gnu.chess] delete characters

christnp@thor.acc.stolaf.edu (Nick Christenson @ St. Olaf College) (02/27/89)

I have compiled gnuchess for use at our site and although it has some
very nice features, there are some things about it that bother me a little.

1) If you type in a move incorrectly, you can't backspace over it (neither
the backspace key nor the delete key print anything coherent.)  Is it just
our system or is this a universal problem.  I can't play the fastest
time control with the thing because I make too many mistakes to get the
typing done on time!

2) If you undo a move, the times don't seem to reset themselves, and I'm
not sure if there's a strict adherence to the time controls in the game.
Does someone know what the deal with these is?

These problems don't *seem* too tough to fix, I'd try them myself but I've
got plenty of other stuff backed up in the "to do" pile, then again, who

Nick Christenson