[gnu.chess] Changes to gnuchess1.52

tom@tnosoes.UUCP (Tom Vijlbrief) (12/08/89)

I made some changes to gnuchess 1.52:

a) report illegal moves, to avoid hang of sun's chesstool
   e2-e5 did not result in: Illegal move

b) add a -a flag (think ahead) which switches easy off, so chesstool can
   play with gnuchess thinking in the opponents time:

   e.g.: chesstool gnuchessr -a 60 5

   The user need no longer hit ^C when easy is off, select(2) is used
   to terminate the search.

c) Diagnostics concerning the search are written on stderr. This does not
   bother chesstool.

I assume these changes also work for xchess.
Tom Vijlbrief
TNO Institute for Perception
P.O. Box 23				Phone: +31 34 63 562 11
3769 ZG  Soesterberg			E-mail: tnosoes!tom@mcvax.cwi.nl
The Netherlands				    or:	uunet!mcvax!tnosoes!tom

Here are the diffs:

*** gnuchess.c	Fri Dec  8 09:43:51 1989
--- org/gnuchess.c	Sun Apr 30 17:21:05 1989
*** 291,298 ****
  int argc; char *argv[];
-   int i;
-   int ahead= 0;
  #ifdef MSDOS
    ttable = (struct hashentry huge *)farmalloc(ttblsz *
             (unsigned long)sizeof(struct hashentry));
--- 291,296 ----
*** 300,313 ****
    ttable = (struct hashentry *)malloc(ttblsz *
             (unsigned long)sizeof(struct hashentry));
-   while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') {
- 	switch (argv[1][1]) {
- 	case 'a': ahead= 1; break;
- 	default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown flag\n");
- 	}
- 	argv++;
- 	argc--;
-   }
    Level = 0; TCflag = false; OperatorTime = 0;
    if (argc == 2) Level = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (argc == 3)
--- 298,303 ----
*** 316,323 ****
-   if (ahead)
- 	seteasy();
    while (!(quit))
        if (bothsides && !mate) SelectMove(opponent,1); else InputCommand();
--- 306,311 ----
*** 349,355 ****
    if (iop == 2)
-       /* ShowMessage("Illegal Move!!"); */
    cnt = 0;
--- 337,342 ----
*** 393,399 ****
    if (cnt > 1) ShowMessage("Ambiguous Move!");
-   else ShowMessage("Illegal Move!!");
--- 380,385 ----
No differences encountered
*** nondsp.c	Fri Dec  8 11:38:03 1989
--- org/nondsp.c	Sun Apr 30 17:24:04 1989
*** 39,45 ****
  #include <sys/file.h>
  struct tms tmbuf1,tmbuf2;
  int TerminateSearch(),Die();
- #include <signal.h>
  #endif MSDOS
  #include "gnuchess.h"
--- 39,44 ----
*** 51,57 ****
-   signal(SIGINT,Die); signal(SIGQUIT,Die);
    mycnt1 = mycnt2 = 0;
  #ifndef MSDOS
--- 50,55 ----
*** 75,105 ****
  char s[80];
-   signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN);
-   signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN);
    printz("Abort? ");
    if (strcmp(s,"yes") == 0) ExitChess();
-   signal(SIGINT,Die); signal(SIGQUIT,Die);
-   signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN);
-   signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN);
    timeout = true;
    bothsides = false;
-   signal(SIGINT,Die); signal(SIGQUIT,Die);
  #endif MSDOS
- seteasy()
- {
-   easy = !easy;
- }
- static int ahead;
--- 73,91 ----
*** 128,137 ****
        algbr(hint>>8,hint & 0xFF,false);
        tmp = epsquare;
-       fprintf(stderr, "Hint: %s\n", s);
        if (VerifyMove(s,1,&mv))
- 	  ahead= 1;
            if (Sdepth > 0) Sdepth--;
--- 114,121 ----
*** 139,148 ****
        ft = time((long *)0) - time0;
        epsquare = tmp;
-     ahead= 0;
  #ifndef MSDOS
-   signal(SIGINT,Die); signal(SIGQUIT,Die);
    while (!(ok || quit))
--- 123,130 ----
*** 150,155 ****
--- 132,143 ----
        i = scanz("%s",s);
        if (i == EOF || s[0] == 0) ExitChess();
        player = opponent;
+       ok = VerifyMove(s,0,&mv);
+       if (ok && mv != hint)
+         {
+           Sdepth = 0;
+           ft = 0;
+         }
        if (strcmp(s,"bd") == 0)
*** 156,180 ****
!       else if (strcmp(s,"alg") == 0) ;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"quit") == 0) quit = true;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"post") == 0) post = !post;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"set") == 0) EditBoard();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"go") == 0) ok = true;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"help") == 0) help();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"force") == 0) force = !force;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"book") == 0) Book = NULL;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"new") == 0) NewGame();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"list") == 0) ListGame();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"level") == 0) SelectLevel();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"hash") == 0) hashflag = !hashflag;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"beep") == 0) beep = !beep;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"Awindow") == 0) ChangeAlphaWindow();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"Bwindow") == 0) ChangeBetaWindow();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"rcptr") == 0) rcptr = !rcptr;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"hint") == 0) GiveHint();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"zero") == 0) ZeroTTable();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"both") == 0)
            bothsides = !bothsides;
            Sdepth = 0;
--- 144,167 ----
!       if (strcmp(s,"quit") == 0) quit = true;
!       if (strcmp(s,"post") == 0) post = !post;
!       if (strcmp(s,"set") == 0) EditBoard();
!       if (strcmp(s,"go") == 0) ok = true;
!       if (strcmp(s,"help") == 0) help();
!       if (strcmp(s,"force") == 0) force = !force;
!       if (strcmp(s,"book") == 0) Book = NULL;
!       if (strcmp(s,"new") == 0) NewGame();
!       if (strcmp(s,"list") == 0) ListGame();
!       if (strcmp(s,"level") == 0) SelectLevel();
!       if (strcmp(s,"hash") == 0) hashflag = !hashflag;
!       if (strcmp(s,"beep") == 0) beep = !beep;
!       if (strcmp(s,"Awindow") == 0) ChangeAlphaWindow();
!       if (strcmp(s,"Bwindow") == 0) ChangeBetaWindow();
!       if (strcmp(s,"rcptr") == 0) rcptr = !rcptr;
!       if (strcmp(s,"hint") == 0) GiveHint();
!       if (strcmp(s,"zero") == 0) ZeroTTable();
!       if (strcmp(s,"both") == 0)
            bothsides = !bothsides;
            Sdepth = 0;
*** 181,193 ****
            ok = true;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"reverse") == 0)
            reverse = !reverse;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"switch") == 0)
            computer = otherside[computer];
            opponent = otherside[opponent];
--- 168,180 ----
            ok = true;
!       if (strcmp(s,"reverse") == 0)
            reverse = !reverse;
!       if (strcmp(s,"switch") == 0)
            computer = otherside[computer];
            opponent = otherside[opponent];
*** 195,225 ****
            Sdepth = 0;
            ok = true;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"white") == 0 || strcmp(s, "first") == 0)  
            computer = white; opponent = black;
            ok = true; force = false;
            Sdepth = 0;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"black") == 0)
            computer = black; opponent = white;
            ok = true; force = false;
            Sdepth = 0;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"undo") == 0 && GameCnt >= 0) Undo();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"remove") == 0 && GameCnt >= 1) 
            Undo(); Undo();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"get") == 0) GetGame();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"save") == 0) SaveGame();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"depth") == 0) ChangeSearchDepth();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"random") == 0) dither = 6;
!       else if (strcmp(s,"easy") == 0) seteasy();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"contempt") == 0) SetContempt();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"xwndw") == 0) ChangeXwindow();
!       else if (strcmp(s,"test") == 0)
            t1 = time(0);
            cnt = 0;
--- 182,212 ----
            Sdepth = 0;
            ok = true;
!       if (strcmp(s,"white") == 0)  
            computer = white; opponent = black;
            ok = true; force = false;
            Sdepth = 0;
!       if (strcmp(s,"black") == 0)
            computer = black; opponent = white;
            ok = true; force = false;
            Sdepth = 0;
!       if (strcmp(s,"undo") == 0 && GameCnt >= 0) Undo();
!       if (strcmp(s,"remove") == 0 && GameCnt >= 1) 
            Undo(); Undo();
!       if (strcmp(s,"get") == 0) GetGame();
!       if (strcmp(s,"save") == 0) SaveGame();
!       if (strcmp(s,"depth") == 0) ChangeSearchDepth();
!       if (strcmp(s,"random") == 0) dither = 6;
!       if (strcmp(s,"easy") == 0) easy = !easy;
!       if (strcmp(s,"contempt") == 0) SetContempt();
!       if (strcmp(s,"xwndw") == 0) ChangeXwindow();
!       if (strcmp(s,"test") == 0)
            t1 = time(0);
            cnt = 0;
*** 232,246 ****
            rate = cnt / (t2-t1);
            printz("cnt= %ld  rate= %ld\n",cnt,rate);
-       else {
-        ok = VerifyMove(s,0,&mv);
-        if (ok && mv != hint)
-         {
-           Sdepth = 0;
-           ft = 0;
-       }
-     }
    if (force)
--- 219,225 ----
*** 252,258 ****
  #ifdef CHESSTOOL
    printf("%d. %s\n",++mycnt2,s);
  #endif CHESSTOOL
-   signal(SIGINT,TerminateSearch); signal(SIGQUIT,TerminateSearch);
  #endif MSDOS
--- 231,236 ----
*** 376,391 ****
        printz("%5s ",mvstr1);
- #else
- register int i;
-   fprintf(stderr,"%2d%c  %5d %4ld %7ld   ",Sdepth,ch,score,et,NodeCnt);
-   for (i = 1; bstline[i] > 0; i++)
-     {
-       algbr((short)(bstline[i] >> 8),(short)(bstline[i] & 0xFF),false);
-       if (i == 9 || i == 17) fprintf(stderr,"\n                          ");
-       fprintf(stderr,"%5s ",mvstr1);
-     }
-   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
--- 354,359 ----
*** 394,409 ****
  short side;
  #ifndef MSDOS
-   signal(SIGINT,TerminateSearch); signal(SIGQUIT,TerminateSearch);
  #ifndef CHESSTOOL
    printz("\nMove# %d    Target= %ld    Clock: %ld\n",
- #else
-   fprintf(stderr,"\nMove# %d    Target= %ld    Clock: %ld\n",
-           TCmoves-TimeControl.moves[side]+1,
-           ResponseTime,TimeControl.clock[side]);
--- 362,372 ----
*** 430,451 ****
-   fprintf(stderr,"Nodes= %ld  Eval= %ld  Hash= %ld  Rate= %ld  ",
-           NodeCnt,EvalNodes,HashCnt,evrate);
-   fprintf(stderr,"CPU= %.2ld:%.2ld.%.2ld\n\n",
-           cputimer/6000,(cputimer % 6000)/100,cputimer % 100);
-   if (root->flags & epmask) UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0);
-   else UpdateDisplay(root->f,root->t,0,root->flags & cstlmask);
-   fprintf(stderr,"My move is: %s\n\n",mvstr1);
-   /* if (beep) fprintf(stderr,"%c",7); */
-   if (root->flags & draw) fprintf(stderr,"Draw game!\n");
-   else if (root->score == -9999) fprintf(stderr,"opponent mates!\n");
-   else if (root->score == 9998) fprintf(stderr,"computer mates!\n");
-   else if (root->score < -9000) fprintf(stderr,"opponent will soon mate!\n");
-   else if (root->score > 9000)  fprintf(stderr,"computer will soon mate!\n");
    printz("Nodes= %ld  Eval= %ld  Hash= %ld  Rate= %ld  ",
--- 393,398 ----
*** 465,474 ****
  #endif CHESSTOOL
- #include <sys/time.h>
- static struct timeval poll;
  short iop;
--- 412,418 ----
*** 479,489 ****
-   if (ahead) {
- 	int in= 1;
- 	if (select(32, &in, 0, 0, &poll))
- 		timeout= true;
-   }
    et = time((long *)0) - time0;
    if (et < 0) et = 0;
    ETnodes += 50;
--- 423,428 ----
*** 583,589 ****
  struct BookEntry *entry;
  unsigned short mv,*mp,tmp[100];
!   if ((fd = fopen("/usr/local/lib/gnuchess.book","r")) != NULL)
--- 522,528 ----
  struct BookEntry *entry;
  unsigned short mv,*mp,tmp[100];
!   if ((fd = fopen("/usr/games/lib/gnuchess.book","r")) != NULL)
*** 608,616 ****
              i = 0; side = white;
-     } else {
- 	fprintf(stderr, "No Book!\n");
- 	exit(1);
--- 547,552 ----
*** 784,791 ****
  #ifndef CHESSTOOL
- #else
-   printz("%s\n",s);
  #endif CHESSTOOL
--- 720,725 ----
*** uxdsp.c	Fri Dec  8 09:37:23 1989
--- org/uxdsp.c	Sun May  7 21:12:53 1989
*** 41,49 ****
  #define scanz fflush(stdout),scanw
  #define printz printw
- seteasy()
- {
- }
--- 41,46 ----
*** 325,331 ****
    gotoXY(40,23); printz("Transposition table: ");
    if (hashflag) printz("ON"); else printz("OFF");
!   getchar(); /*  while (getchar() != 27); */
--- 322,328 ----
    gotoXY(40,23); printz("Transposition table: ");
    if (hashflag) printz("ON"); else printz("OFF");
!   while (getchar() != 27);
*** 569,575 ****
  struct BookEntry *entry;
  unsigned short mv,*mp,tmp[100];
!   if ((fd = fopen("/usr/local/lib/gnuchess.book","r")) != NULL)
        Book = NULL;
        i = 0; side = white;
--- 566,572 ----
  struct BookEntry *entry;
  unsigned short mv,*mp,tmp[100];
!   if ((fd = fopen("gnuchess.book","r")) != NULL)
        Book = NULL;
        i = 0; side = white;
*** 591,599 ****
              i = 0; side = white;
-     } else {
- 	fprintf(stderr, "No Book!\n");
- 	exit(1);
--- 588,593 ----
No differences encountered
*** Makefile	Fri Dec  8 08:47:20 1989
--- org/Makefile	Thu Apr 27 04:59:51 1989
*** 37,51 ****
  	cc -o gnuchessr gnuchess.o nondsp.o
  gnuchess.o: gnuchess.c
! 	cc -O -c gnuchess.c
! 	#cc -DCHESSTOOL -O -c gnuchess.c
  uxdsp.o: uxdsp.c
  	cc -O -c uxdsp.c
  nondsp.o: nondsp.c
! 	cc -O -c nondsp.c
! 	#cc -DCHESSTOOL -O -c nondsp.c
  	tar cf - version.h gnuchess.h gnuchess.c uxdsp.c nondsp.c Xchess gnuchess.book DOCUMENTATION Makefile > gnuchess.tar
--- 37,49 ----
  	cc -o gnuchessr gnuchess.o nondsp.o
  gnuchess.o: gnuchess.c
! 	cc -DCHESSTOOL -O -c gnuchess.c
  uxdsp.o: uxdsp.c
  	cc -O -c uxdsp.c
  nondsp.o: nondsp.c
! 	cc -DCHESSTOOL -O -c nondsp.c
  	tar cf - version.h gnuchess.h gnuchess.c uxdsp.c nondsp.c Xchess gnuchess.book DOCUMENTATION Makefile > gnuchess.tar
*** 52,57 ****
  	compress gnuchess.tar
! 	cp gnuchessr /usr/local/gnuchessr
! 	cp gnuchess /usr/local/gnuchess
! 	cp gnuchess.book /usr/local/lib/gnuchess.book
--- 50,55 ----
  	compress gnuchess.tar
! 	cp gnuchessr /usr/games/gnuchess.chesstool
! 	cp gnuchess /usr/games/gnuchess
! 	cp gnuchess.book /usr/games/lib/gnuchess.book