[net.games.rogue] 3B20 rogue lives

mek (10/29/82)

I have recently obtained a copy of the source for rogue 3.7, and I have
installed it on the 3B20 (No mean feat, I might add). I've noticed that
it seems to be harder to do well at than those rogues I've played on
DEC machines. For example, hit points do not go up as quickly with level
changes (for instance, I have played 3 games now where by the time I
reached level 9, I had accumulated less than 40 max Hp). Is this a bug,
or something that really can happen? I've gotten 40 or more max Hp by
level 6 on a number of occasions running on a different machine.
Also, it was hard to get the 3b20 cc to accept rogue as written, mostly

	a) external variables were not named as external where they
	were intended to be used as such.

	b) sprintf was redfined, and would not work. I had to chase
	that one down and replace every use of the rogue sprintf
	with the system one.

	c) consecutive flushes of the input queue locked everything up. 
	The consecutive flushes seemed to come about after you got into
	a trap that held you (BEAR, SLEEPING GAS) or shot something at you

In any event, it is working nicely now, and is a darn sight better
than any other games (read "UNIX 4.0" games) currently available. Anybody
out there have any tips?

						M. E. Kaufman