[gnu.announce] GNU & other free source distribution on tape for europe

src@scuzzy.in-berlin.de (Heiko Blume) (06/12/91)

today i talked with Richard Stallman; i'm now the 'official'
distributor for the GNU (& other free software) sources for europe. 
SOFTWARE FOUNDATION. of course the donation of a big disk which
is needed most urgently would be appreciated! a V.32 modem with
V.42bis would also be great since the trailblazer owners can
connect my machine only with 2400/MNP for downloads, which is a pitty.

       Contributed Software GNU and other free source Order Form
           This order form is effective June 1, 1991 - August 1, 1991
       Prices and contents are subject to change without notice.
       Any excess revenues resulting from the tape sales will go
       into new hard/software to improve our ability to distribute
       free software and/or donations to the FSF to help them
       produce more free software. note also, that the prices below
       are suggested by the FSF on this basis.
       Please allow six weeks for delivery (though one week is usual).
       All software and publications are distributed WITH permission to copy
       and to redistribute.
       TeX source for each manual is on the appropriate tape; the prices for
       tapes do not include printed manuals.
       All software and documentation is provided on an "as is" basis,
       with no warranty of any kind.
       Note that the versions mentioned below might not be up to date.
       however, you will usually get the newest available. often
       these are beta releases, so don't wonder if they barf at you.
       Direct Access:
       You can also access our archive directly, we have a
       USR HST 14400 V.42bis modem (NO v.32 and NO PEP - sorry).
       guest login:
         dial (+49 30) 691 95 20 and login as 'guest', no password required.
         you can then download with x/y/z-modem or kermit.
       anonymous UUCP:
         put this in your Systems/L.sys file (add phone prefixes as necessary)
          scuzzy Any ACU,f 38400 6919520 gin:--gin: nuucp sword: nuucp
         then, in shell type something like
          uucp scuzzy!/src/README /your/home
         and poll us. that file will tell you all about it.
       The GNU sources can also be obtained by anonymous FTP from
       prep.ai.mit.edu, look in the directory pub/gnu. IF YOU ARE IN OR
       and X11R4 tapes) FROM THE FSF. The prices are the same. however,
       our tapes include more stuff collected from USENET and other archives.

       Free Software Foundation, Inc.
       675 Massachusetts Avenue
       Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
       +1 (617) 876-3296
       Order Form:
       For Suns and other Unix Systems, on QIC-24 DC300XLP 1/4 inch cartridge
       tape (60MB), Unix tar format:
       Quantity  Price  Item
       ________ $210	GNU Emacs source code and other software.
       		The tape includes:
       		* GNU Emacs (the extensible, customizable, self-documenting
       		  real-time display editor)
		* Epoch (GNU emacs modified for use with X Window System)
       		* The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, as Texinfo source.
       		* MIT Scheme (a dialect of Lisp)
       		* T, Yale's implementation of Scheme
       		* Bison (a free, compatible replacement for yacc)
       		* Nethack (a rogue-like game)
       		* GNU Chess (a chess playing program with an interface to X)
       		* texi2roff (for printing Texinfo source with [nt]roff)
       		* Data Compression Software (to uncompress source on the tape).
       		* various collected emacs lisp programs from USENET etc.
       ________ $210	GNU Compiler source code and related software,
       		for Unix systems.  The tape includes:
       		* GCC (the GNU C Compiler, including COFF support)
       		* Bison (a free, compatible replacement for yacc)
       		* G++ (the C++ front end to GCC)
       		* lib-g++ (the G++ class library)
       		* NIH Class Library (formerly known as OOPS)
       		* Gas (the GNU Assembler)
       		* GNU object file utilities (ar, ld, make, gprof, size, nm,
       		  strip, ranlib, et al.)
       		* COFF support for GNU software tools 
       		* GDB (The GNU source-level C debugger)
       		* GNU make
       		* Bash (GNUs' Bourne Again SHell)
       		* Gawk (the GNU implementation of the AWK programming language)
       		* Flex (Vern Paxson fast rewrite of lex)
       		* GNU tar
       		* RCS (Revision Control System)
       		* CVS (Concurrent Control System)
       		* GNU diff and grep
       		* Ghostscript (a Postscript interpreter)
       		* Gnuplot (an interactive mathematical plotting program)
       		* Perl (version 4.0; a programming language interpreter)
       		* f2c  (a FORTRAN to C translator)
       		* other GNU utilities (file utilities, indent, c-perf, et al.)
       		* GNU GO (the GNU implementation of the game of GO)
       		* texi2roff (for printing Texinfo source with [nt]roff)
       		* Data Compression Software (to uncompress source on the tape).
       		* various other stuff (fixes, tips etc) from USENET
       ________ $210	Required MIT X Window System X11R4, core software and
       		documentation, and contributed client software.
       ________ $210   Optional MIT X Window System X11R4, contributed software
       		including libraries, games, Andrew and toolkits.
       		NOTE: we put collected free x11 client sources onto these
       		two tapes until they are full, i.e. the ET4000 X11R4 VGA
       		server from Thomas Roell.
       ________ $210	[40MB] The Net Tape, which includes
       		* bnews-2.11#19 (USENET news transport software)
       		* cnews (a better USENET news transport software)
       		* nn-6.4.4#16 (menu-oriented newsreader)
       		* rn-4.3 (classic newsreader)
       		* trn-1.0.2 (a threaded version of rn)
       		* nntp-1.5.11 (NetNews Transport Protocol)
       		* smail-3.1.20 (a sendmail replacement - mail transport agent)
       		* sendmail-5.65b+IDA-1.4.3 (mail transport agent)
       		* ease-3.0 (a meta language for sendmail config files)
       		* pathalias-10.0 (the uucp mail path routing program)
       		* elm-2.3#11 (classic electronic mailer - user front end)
       		* mush-7.2.2 (mail users shell)
       		* pcomm-1.2.10 (a procomm look-alike for unix)
       		* C-Kermit-4E(070) (the ultra-classic terminal/transfer prgm)
       		* X/Y/Z-Modem (error correcting file transfer protocol)
       		* tipx-1.2 (extended tip program), ecu-3.0#5 (extended cu)
		* ISODE-6.7f (OSI networking)
       		* tcp prgms: bind, dig/doc, ftpd, gated, irc, pty, lansf/smurph
		* RFC's (Request For Comment - standard documents)
		* FAQ's (answers to Frequently Asked Questions)
       		* lots of miscellaneous stuff
       ________ $210	Collection Tape - contains what you want! possible
			sections to select from up to a total of 60MB are:
		* [10MB] nearly all RFC's (Request For Comment)
       		* [ 8MB] games (you name them - we have dozens)
       		* [34MB] programming (forth, tcl, abc, basic, elk, kcl
		  logo, kcl, p2c, perl, python, C-Scheme, prolog, flisp, f2c)
       		* [14MB] X11-clients (various games, tools and goodies)
       		* [ 1MB] archivers (shar, zoo, arc, rkive, lharc, unzip)
       		* [ 4MB] graphics (urt, prt, qrt, nff, dither, rayshade, sipp)
       		* [ 5MB} editors (crisp, dte, uEMACS, fm, stevie, jove, uZAP)
       		* [ 2MB] MACH-3.0 (the freed parts of the MACH kernel sources)
       		* [ 2MB] the bible (kings version)
       		* [12MB] assorted system software (drivers, daemons, utilities,
       		  shells, filesystem utilities, security docs and programs)
       		* [ 3MB] filters (pbmplus, this2that programs)
       		* [25MB] TeX-3.0 (typesetting system) etc.
       		* [ 2MB] weird stuff (CP/M & Apple // emulators, mkIrecog etc)
       		* anything you find in the LONGLS.Z file of our archive.
       ________  Sub Total
       We pay for shipping via ground transportation in Germany.
       	   If outside of Germany, for AIRMAIL shipping costs:
       		- please add $15, and then add $15 more for each tape.
       ________	  Shipping cost for tapes = $15 + $15 * n;
       ________   Total paid
       Orders are filled upon receipt of check or money order.  We do not have
       the staff to handle the billing of unpaid orders.  Please help keep
       our lives simple by including your payment with your order.
       Please make checks payable to Contributed Software.
        Please mail orders to:          Bank connection for wire transfers:
       +-------------------------+   +----------------------------------------+
       | Heiko Blume             |   | Berliner Sparkasse, Germany            |
       | c/o Diakite             |   | bank# 100 500 00                       |
       | Kottbusser Damm 28      |   | acct# 630017735 (Contributed Software) |
       | D-1000 Berlin 61        |   | telex: 183 805 bls d                   |
       +-------------------------+   +----------------------------------------+
       	email: src@scuzzy.in-berlin.de, blume@cs.tu-berlin.de
       	(+49 30) 691 88 93 [voice]
       	(+49 30) 691 95 20 [USR HST 14400 V.42bis]
       This Order Form is EFFECTIVE June 1, 1991 - August 1, 1991
       Mail Stop/Dept. Name
       Street Address:
       City / State / Province:
       Zip Code / Postal Code /Country:
       In case of a problem with your order, or for overseas customs agents,
       please add your voice telephone number (not your FAX's number):
       Orders may be paid in US dollars or the equivalent amount of another
       convertible currency. ECU is preferred. You are responsible for paying
       all duties, tariffs, and taxes.  If you refuse to pay the charges,
       the shipper will return or abandon your order.
       Please write the telephone number that you want custom agents to call
       in the space provided above.
       This Order Form is EFFECTIVE June 1, 1991 - August 1, 1991
   Heiko Blume <-+-> src@scuzzy.in-berlin.de <-+-> (+49 30) 691 88 93 [voice!]
                  public UNIX source archive [HST V.42bis]:
        scuzzy Any ACU,f 38400 6919520 gin:--gin: nuucp sword: nuucp
                     uucp scuzzy!/src/README /your/home