[net.games.rogue] A similar proposed change

tim (11/09/82)

The bit with "^H" translating to "fh" seeems good, since two
simultaneous keystrokes seem shorter than two consecutive, but
I've had another idea for a while: have an option that converts
H into fh, J into fj, etc., automatically if set. My fingers
are probably permanently locked into shifting, so I'd get a lot
out of this. What do the rest of you think?
						Tim Maroney

emrath (11/10/82)

uiucdcs!emrath    Nov 10 02:58:00 1982

I would say don't bother making any change unless you make the f command
(and similarly .) break out the instant your field of vision changes,
rather than after you bump into something. Obviously this is affected
by dark rooms and blindness. Otherwise the control key seems like a good
idea. I have only 2 modes, single steps & f steps - I hardly ever use
shift (sometimes in those two lane tunnels). In f step mode, it would be
much easier to simply hold down the control key, yeah-good idea.