[gnu.emacs.gnus] So what GNUS is gatewayed where?

bob@allosaur.cis.ohio-state.edu (Bob Sutterfield) (10/21/88)

A few weeks ago, Masanobu UMEDA
(umerin%flab.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET@uunet.uu.NET) announced the creation
of a mailing list called info-gnus, that would discuss the GNUS news
reader software for GNU Emacs.  The mailing list was already well
populated with users of GNUS, many from Japan, where GNUs originated.
As is customary, a newsgroup was created (gnu.emacs.gnus) and
gatewayed with that mailing list shortly thereafter.

Then we parochial English-only (or at least non-Japanese - there was
at least one comment from Sweden, I think) speakers noticed that there
was discussion on that mailing list in Japanese, using whatever
character set they use in Japan.  This was hardly surprising, since
the list is quartered in Japan and many of its subscribers are
Japanese.  However, the displayed result looked like line noise to us,
much as the spoken language is strange to the western ear.  It seemed
A Bad Idea (unhelpful and confusing) to carry the Japanese language
part of the mailing list discussion on the largely non-Japanese
speaking newsgroup.

Another mailing list, info-gnus-english@cis.ohio-state.edu, has been
created, and connected with gnu.emacs.gnus.  The link between
info-gnus and gnu.emacs.gnus has been broken.  One subscriber to
info-gnus-english is info-gnus - that is to say, info-gnus-english/
gnu.emacs.gnus (same thing) is collectively a proper subset of the
main info-gnus mailing list.  Got that?  It took me a while, too :-)

We will probably only see discussion in the English language on the
subset list/group, but subscribers to the main list will be treated to
the full spectrum of discussion - that is, both English and Japanese.
We have been assured that important announcements, etc. about GNUS
will be forwarded (in English) to info-gnus-english/gnu.emacs.gnus, so
we won't miss anything of that sort.

Those non-Japanese speakers who are currently subscribed to info-gnus
and who cannot manage to get gnu.emacs.gnus are invited to request
subscription of info-gnus-english-request@cis.ohio-state.edu, and
similarly unsubscribe to the main info-gnus list.

Now, let's see if/how this works.  It's a big, weird world we work in,
isn't it?
Zippy sez,								--Bob
Used staples are good with SOY SAUCE!