[gnu.emacs.gnus] Gnus Kill files

jeff@stormy.atmos.washington.edu (Jeff L. Bowden) (02/04/89)

I am contemplating an addition to the Gnus 3.10 local kill file editing.  What
I would like to add is a set of keys which would yank text of the form

	(gnus-kill '"foo" '"bar")

into the buffer, where foo would be something such as "Subject" and bar would
be, say, the Subject line of the current article.  (Other keys might kill the
author of the current article or the Newsgroups of the current article etc...).

The reason I am posting is that (surprise) I would like to see if anyone has
done anything with similar functionality yet.  Well, have you?

"Everything I need to know I learned from watching Gilligan's Island."