(Masanobu UMEDA) (03/18/89)
Date: 3 Mar 89 17:49:12 GMT From: flab!fgw!uunet!!noao!amethyst!rsm (Robert Maier) Organization: Dept. of Math., Univ. of Arizona; Tucson, AZ 85721; USA 3. The user should be able to tell gnus-inews-article to transfer his or her article to the NNTP server, rather than post it. By that I mean GNUS should be able to tell the NNTP server IHAVE <message-id> instead of POST I think you should not post any articles if you are not allowed to post. If you really want to post, you should ask the news administer. Masanobu UMEDA umerin@flab.Fujitsu.JUNET umerin%flab.Fujitsu.JUNET@uunet.uu.NET