[gnu.emacs.gnus] Yet Another Suggestion

umerin@photon.stars.flab.fujitsu.junet (Masanobu UMEDA) (03/18/89)

   Date: 6 Mar 89 17:23:46 GMT
   From: flab!fgw!uunet!paris.berkeley.edu!mcgrath  (Roland McGrath)
   Organization: /lang/guest/mcgrath/News/.organization

   Anyway, I'd like the gnus-Article-mode mode line to contain the time from
   display-time, and a count of unread articles (in the current group).
   I think there is room enough for all the information.  I would give up it
   telling me it's GNUS Article mode (though perhaps there should still be an
   indication for Narrow), and maybe the range of articles if necessary.

To display current time in the mode line, run the following hook:

(setq gnus-Article-mode-hook
      '(lambda ()
	 (kill-local-variable 'global-mode-string)))

I want to use the following function to display the current status in
the mode line of Article Mode buffer in the next version of GNUS.

(defun gnus-Article-set-mode-line ()
  "Set Article mode line string."
  (let ((unmarked
          (gnus-set-difference gnus-newsgroup-unreads gnus-newsgroup-marked))))
    (setq mode-line-buffer-identification
          (list 17
                (format "GNUS: %s {%d} %s"
                        ;; This is proposed by tale@pawl.rpi.edu.
                        (if (zerop unmarked)
                            "      "
                          (format "%d more" unmarked))
  (set-buffer-modified-p t))

Masanobu UMEDA