[gnu.emacs.gnus] moving newsgroups

tale@pawl.rpi.edu (David C Lawrence) (03/27/89)

More from this corner of Troy.  I didn't care for either of the
gnus-user.el methods of moving groups; mucking about with point and
mark and/or interfering with my kill-ring just don't thrill me.  I
think I've taken a somewhat different approach that some people might
like.  The group before or after which to place the moved group is
read with a completing-read and an optional argument to the command
will move the group to be the first or last group of the subscribed
groups.  The move-group-after function moves only to the end of the
unsubscribed groups, such that those people who might also be using my 
gnus-reorder-newsrc code will not make it overwork because of a
subscribed group at the end, but will still get it sorted if it is an
unsubscribed group.

The only thing that concerns me is that I only changed the .newsrc and
the gnus-newsrc-assoc; I have no cluse as to whether I should change
the hashtables, too.  Masanobu, do the hashtables need to be modified
too?  I've used this for a paltry 10 or so group moves and it seems to
be fine, but I'd still like to know whether the hashtables are okay to
be left alone.

One other thing: could anyone who actually finds anything I've posted
to be even marginally useful please drop me a line?  I won't bother
wasting bandwidth if no one cares about this stuff.

-------------------- Cut -------------------- Line --------------------
(define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "M" 'gnus-Group-move-group-before)
(defun gnus-Group-move-group-before (first)
  "Move current newsgroup to precede a named newsgroup.  Prefix argument means
move group to be first in list of groups."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((group (gnus-Group-group-name)))
    (if first (gnus-move-group group (car (car gnus-newsrc-assoc)))
      (gnus-move-group group (completing-read
                              (format "Move %s to precede newsgroup: " group)
                              gnus-newsrc-assoc nil t))))
  (gnus-Group-list-groups gnus-have-all-newsgroups))

(define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "m" 'gnus-Group-move-group-after)
(defun gnus-Group-move-group-after (last)
  "Move current newsgroup to follow a named newsgroup.  Prefix argument
means make it follow the last subscribed group."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((group (gnus-Group-group-name)))
    (if last (gnus-move-group
                 (set-buffer (get-file-buffer gnus-current-startup-file))
                 (goto-char (point-max))
                 (re-search-backward "^.*: " nil t)
                 (buffer-substring (point) (progn (skip-chars-forward "^:")
                                                  (point)))) t)
      (gnus-move-group group (completing-read
                              (format "Move %s to follow newsgroup: " group)
                              gnus-newsrc-assoc nil t) t)))
  (gnus-Group-list-groups gnus-have-all-newsgroups))

(defun gnus-move-group (group position &optional follows)
  "Move GROUP to precede POSITION; both are newsgroup name strings.
Optional argument FOLLOWS means to place GROUP after POSITION rather
than before."
  (let* ((move-data (assoc group gnus-newsrc-assoc))
         (recv-data (assoc position gnus-newsrc-assoc))
         (tail (memq recv-data gnus-newsrc-assoc)))
    (if (or (eq move-data recv-data) (eq move-data nil) (eq recv-data nil))
        (error "gnus-move-group: arguments must be different newsgroups.")
        (set-buffer (get-file-buffer gnus-current-startup-file))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (forward-line 1)
        (re-search-forward (regexp-quote group) nil t)
        (let* ((beg (point))
               (move (buffer-substring beg (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))))
          (delete-region beg (point))
          (goto-char (point-min))
          (re-search-forward (regexp-quote position) nil t)
          (if follows (forward-line 1))
          (insert move)))
      (setq gnus-newsrc-assoc (delq move-data gnus-newsrc-assoc))
      (if follows (setcdr tail (cons move-data (cdr tail)))
        ;; this is a bit kludgy, but it works.
        (setcdr tail (cons move-data (cons recv-data (cdr tail))))
        (setq gnus-newsrc-assoc (delq recv-data gnus-newsrc-assoc))
        (setq tail (memq move-data gnus-newsrc-assoc))
        (setcdr tail (cons recv-data (cdr tail)))))))
      tale@rpitsmts.bitnet, tale%mts@itsgw.rpi.edu, tale@pawl.rpi.edu

umerin@photon.stars.flab.fujitsu.junet (Masanobu UMEDA) (04/13/89)

   The only thing that concerns me is that I only changed the .newsrc and
   the gnus-newsrc-assoc; I have no cluse as to whether I should change
   the hashtables, too.  Masanobu, do the hashtables need to be modified
   too?  I've used this for a paltry 10 or so group moves and it seems to
   be fine, but I'd still like to know whether the hashtables are okay to
   be left alone.

Sorry for my late reply.  I'm very busy now.

Anyway, the answer to your question is that it depends.  If you add
new newsgroup entry to the assoc list, you also have to add it to the
hashtable.  If you only change the order of the list, you don't.

I understand the newsgroup editing commands are useful and strongly
required.  So, I will add some new commands and a major mode for
newsgroup editing in the next version of GNUS.  They are based on
McGrath's gnus-kill-ring stuff.  The next version also includes some
subroutines which are useful in writing your own newsgroup editing
commands.  If you use these routines, you don't have to worry about
the consistency asked above.

GNUS 3.12 is now in beta test at Fujitsu lab.

Masanobu UMEDA