[gnu.emacs.gnus] my little hack for speeding up news reading at 2400 baud

kim@watsup.waterloo.edu (T. Kim Nguyen) (12/01/89)

I'm not sure how you have your gnus windows set up, but my
*Article* buffer is basically always visible, even when I'm actually
in the Newsgroup or Subject buffers.  The thing that kills me is that
the damned *Article* window is always redrawn (since it's always
visible), and at 2400 baud, that's bummer.  So I hacked this.  I
thought you guys might find it useful (really my first venture into
elisp hacking!).  And before anyone asks why my *Article* buffer is
redrawn, it's because I thought originally that leaving a small
*Newsgroup* buffer would dispense with any redrawing, but this has not
been the case.
    (defun kim-clear-Article-buffer ()
      (set-buffer gnus-Article-buffer)
      (kill-region (point) (mark))
    (setq gnus-Exit-group-hook 'kim-clear-Article-buffer)
T. Kim Nguyen 				  kim@watsup.waterloo.{edu|cdn}
Systems Design Engineering  --  University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada