[gnu.emacs.gnus] Fix to gnus-convert-article-to-rmail

mernst@theory.lcs.mit.edu (Michael Ernst) (02/03/90)

;; If there is no "from" field, (mail-fetch-field "from") returns nil,
;; which mail-strip-quoted-names can't deal with.  This modification
;; provides an explicit check.

(defun gnus-convert-article-to-rmail ()
  "Convert article in current buffer to Rmail message format."
  (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
    ;; Insert special header of Unix mail.
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (insert "From "
	    (let ((from-field (mail-fetch-field "from")))
	      (or (if from-field (mail-strip-quoted-names from-field))
	    " " (current-time-string) "\n")
    ;; ``Quote'' "\nFrom " as "\n>From "
    ;;  (note that this isn't really quoting, as there is no requirement
    ;;   that "\n[>]+From " be quoted in the same transparent way.)
    (while (search-forward "\nFrom " nil t)
      (forward-char -5)
      (insert ?>))
    ;; Convert article to babyl format.


The "if from-field" might not be necessary, but I didn't bother to check.
In any case, this works.
					-Michael Ernst