[gnu.emacs.gnus] List of Newsgroups update suggestion

djm@ENG.UMD.EDU (David J. MacKenzie) (02/23/90)

GNUS 3.12, Emacs 18.55

When I quit out of a GNUS Subject back to the List of Newsgroups, it
would be nice if the gnus-Group-list-groups ('l') command were
automatically performed before the screen was refreshed, so I wouldn't
get things like

     24: comp.sys.sun
      0: comp.text
     13: comp.unix.wizards
      0: comp.unix.xenix
      1: rec.arts.drwho

After I've read a lot of newsgroups, there get to be quite a few of
those lines with 0 unread articles, and redrawing them all wastes a
lot of time when I'm dialed up at 1200 baud.
David J. MacKenzie <djm@eng.umd.edu> <djm@ai.mit.edu>