[net.games.rogue] Character mapping file

leei (11/23/82)

	It seems to me that the best solution to all of these requests
for new (read customized) character mappings for rogue is to use a user-
customizable character mapping.  It could be defined in the file
.roguerc in the user's home directory, or possibly in a file specified
in his ROGUEOPTS variable, or even as a file specified in an option
("rogue -m filename").  This would allow each individual to set up his
own command structure and even set up abbreviations and aliases.
S       10s
H       fh
J       fj
K       fk
L       fl
^H      H
^J      J
^K      K
^L      L
in the file ".roguerc" in the user's home directory would allow the CTRL'ed
versions of the cursor control characters to represent the usual uppercase
"run" commands and the uppercase versions to be the "f <dir>" versions. It
would also cause "s" to do a search 10 times.  This could also be implemented
with an "M" command which would allow you to specify a mapping interactively.
In this case, the ".roguerc" would be more usual in that rogue would read
the file as initial input whenever the game is started. This might be more
versatile, but there may be other problems which I don't want to investigate.
	This seems like a clear, efficient and clean way to handle the problem.

				Yours in rogueing,
				Lee Iverson.
				Princeton, NJ