[alt.bbs] Houston bbs's vs SW Bell - sorry to be simplistic

ads4@tank.uchicago.edu (adam david sah) (10/27/88)

The whole concept of usage sensitive pricing is SO stupid that it is truly hard to believe. Listen to some of the collected arguments (that seem to make sense):
- Fact- usage of a telephone line by a computer modem is EXACTLY the same FOR ALL PARTIES as usage by a voice, except in terms of length or frequency (see below). It costs NOTHING more to handle computer calls.

- Fact- usage of a computer bbs over standard telephone lines is NON-COMMERCIAL (for non-commercial bbs's, which is the majority of them.) The fact that the systems are advertised on other systems, etc does not make them commcerial- in fact, one should note that they fall under "non-profit organization" more than they would under "commercial" since sysops make no money- they lose it (and boy do I know that!)

- Fact- usage of a computer bbs stimulates telephone calls, both local and national (name a SINGLE sysop who has never had to make LD calls for support, etc related to his bbs and I'll show you a SMALL bbs!)

- Business Fact- if the telephone co's charge more for bbs calls for sysops, less bbs's will exist- probably more than will compensate for the increased rates- therefore it makes NO SENSE (business-wise) to increase modem charges on private, small bbs systems.

-- Business Fact- if the telephone co's charge more for USAGE of a bbs, then the number of users will decreas, again probably more than the increased billing will account for.

note that the last two are based on the point of view and deepness of pocket of a college student (read: poor sysop) who definitely could not afford to run his bbs with increased rates- either way (I need lots of support!)

Finally, if the telephone companies were truly intelligent, they would instead give DISCOUNTS to bbs network calls, hence encouraging national, private networking of system and hence a REAL boost in billing times (imagine if people began to write like we do on this net- but over say a PCBoard network!!!) I only say network calls because LD rates would still be too high for standard users to call nationally anyway... (and there are plenty of local bbs's- no matter where you live...)

As I said, I think the whole situation, though quite serious (esp. to someone who would be completely closed down), I find the whole thing ludicrous. Furthermore, if anyone who is in charge of the operation to halt this stupidity gets a copy of this letter- you not only have my permission- by my BLESSINGS- to send a copy of this to the company in question.

In closing, I would like to summarize:

1. Telephone companies are now businesses, and they would like to maximize profits with the least overhead. BBs's are a prime market for just such a situation. They require little work (the computer programmers handle that), little maintenance, and reap wonderful profits, both from the users and the sysops.

2. BBs's are financially fragile beasts. They are by their nature, run privately using private and limited funds. The sysops in question are not deep pockets by any stretch of the imagination. The users are even more fragile.

3. By increasing rates for bbs's or usage of bbs's, the best that a given telephone company can hope for is to maintain the current profits. Too many users and/or system would be closed or reduced to enable them to make a positive profit center out of the increased billing rates.

If you have any remarks, etc feel free to reply on this openly, or to send me mail directly to "ads4.tank.uchicago.edu".

I also operate a small bulletin board (see msg #143 (?)) called The Art of Science. You may reach me there at (312) 752-6104 and leave [M]ail to "SYSOP".
It is 24 hours/7 days and 300/1200 baud (soon to be 2400).

Thanks again,