[net.games.rogue] Finally!! A Comprehensive list of ALL Rogue 3.7 commands

taylor (01/09/83)

Herein is a summary of all (ALL) commands available on version 3.7 Rogue
(gleaned from the sources...);

I. Standard Commands
 ?	prints help			> 	go down a staircase
 /	identify object			< 	go up a staircase
 h	left				.	rest for a while
 h	down				i	inventory
 k	up				I	inventory a single item
 l	right				q	quaff potion
 y	up and left			r	read scroll
 u	up and right			e 	eat food
 b	down and left			w	wield a weapon
 n	down and right			W	wear armor
 H	run left			T	take armor off
 J	run down			P	put on ring
 K	run up				R	remove ring
 L	run right			d	drop object
 Y	run up and left			c	call object
 U	run up and right		D	recall whats been discovered
 B	run down and left		o	examine/set options
 N	run down and right		^L	redraw the screen
 t<dir>	Throw something			^R	repeat last command
 f<dir>	forward until doing something	^[	cancel command
 z<dir>  zap a wand in a direction	!	shell escape
 ^<dir>	identify trap type		S	save game
 s	search for trap/secret door	Q	quit the game

II.  Commands also useable while being a normal Rogue;
 A	set default repeat factor (commented out on my version)
 v	give version number
 ^P	toggle wizard status  (commented out on installed version here)

III.  Wizard commands.   The Password has to be know to get to here...

 @	display 'hero' x and y location
 C	create an object 
 ^I	inventory all objects
 ^W	identify object
 ^D	move down a level in the dungeon
 ^U	move up a level in the dungeon (note that negative levels are possible!)
 ^F	show level map
 ^X	show all monsters on level
 ^T	teleport to random location
 ^E	amount of food left 
 ^A	number of items in pack
 ^C	change wizard password
 ^N	recharge a wand/stick
 ^H	boost character 10 (ten) experience levels and give neat weapon...

IV.  Disclaimer;

note: I hereby disclaim all responsibility for the above set of commands,
      and will not be held responsible for the wrath of those watching you
      'wizard out' etcetera.

note II:  Also worth noting (hence this) is that with the exception of the
	  ^<dir> command to identify traps, all commands that have a '^'
	  character are understood to be control characters, ie '^G' means


				-- Dave Taylor

				aka "a number of random nick-names"
