[net.games.rogue] Take this you nasty munsters!!!!

bbb55611 (01/17/83)

Would someone please tell me how to use a Bow/Crossbow?  I realize that the 
appropriate type of missle must be present, but what is the command?  Throw
arrow?  Hit with the bow in your hand or what?  Thanks.

still learning........
Ben Brown

slab (01/17/83)

In order to effectively use a Bow/Crossbow, you must be wielding (w) the
Bow/Crossbow.  Then you use the throw (t) command, It will prompt you for
the direction that you want to shoot and the object that you want to throw.
Weapons with associated missiles:
Crossbow	Crossbow Bolts
Short Bow	Arrows
Sling		Rocks or Darts

Note: Rocks and Darts can be used without the sling, but are not near as

Also, don't forget to wield your other weapon after you are done with
the Bow/Crossbow/Sling. I have had the misfortune of getting the *%&#
knocked out of me by a Centaur because I forgot to put my mace back in
my hand after using a Bow.  Imagine trying to kill a Centaur by hitting
it over the head with a short bow.

				Hope this is of some help,
				Dale Landmann BTL-Naperville 

jis (01/17/83)

You wield a bow/crossbow and then throw arrows.

mat (01/18/83)

I have a somewhat hacked version of 3.7, and I have noticed the following:
Your effectiveness against a monster, and the monsters effectiveness against
YOU seem to change each time you take a step back from the critter.  I
don't have any HARD evidence, but if you are swinging against a monster
with no noticeable effect, and it is beating the crud out of you, try
taking a step away from it ( if it's not an F ) and see what happens.

tim (01/18/83)

     Might I suggest that answers to questions asked on this
group  be  mailed to the asker rather than posted to the net
in most cases? Since most readers  of  the  group  know  the
answers  to  most of the questions, those who don't can just
ask the original questioner  what they got, with  much  less
expense to the net community.  By expense, I mean both mone-
tary and temporal.
					Tim Maroney

lat (01/19/83)

In regard to Tim Maroney's article (unc.4532), I do not agree.  Some of us
here in netland are not experts.  (I for one am not..I have only made it to
level 18).  If we cannot post answers to this newsgroup, then what good is
it?  I have benefitted greatly from the comments and answers in this group,
and I hope it does not stop.  I simply cannot see the point of a question
that is of general interest to roguers if the response has to be mailed
back.  What am I supposed to do if someone asks the same question I want
answered?  Send in the same question?

Sorry to flame in this newsgroup...

			The Coke Kid, Pink Floyd, Pickles, White Fox
			(version 5.2)

tim (01/19/83)

     I don't want to take up too much time here	 with  this.
I  clearly stated that I felt that anyone wanting the answer
to a question posted on	this group should ask  the  original
poster what replies he or she got by normal UNIX mail. After
playing	rogue for a few	months and reading  this  group	 for
the  same  period  of time, one	gets very sick of seeing the
same Q&A sequences again and again and again...

     To	summarize: Please feel free to post queries to	this
group, but realize  that by doing so you accept the  respon-
sibility of distributing the information to other interested
parties	 (or  posting  it if demand is high enough).  If you
know the answer	to a question, use UNIX	mail to	reply to the
asker.	If you want to know the	answer to a posted question,
write the poster.

					Tim Maroney

dave (01/20/83)

My experience with short bows is that it's a waste of time wielding them.
You don't seem to get much better hitting than by simply throwing arrows
while wielding a mace.  If your pack's getting full, however, you can
always throw a short bow.  It seems to do about as much damage as an arrow.
Useful for doing away with E's from a distance, etc.

Dave Sherman

marl (01/22/83)

I would like to politely disagree with Tim Maroney who said that
answers to questions asked in this group should not be posted.
In many instances, several people have the same questions and using
mail would be redundant.  If you already know the answer, you can
easily skip the response.
					Mary Ann Lachman