[eunet.micro.acorn] Possible bug in C compiler

vanaards%t7@uk.ac.man.cs (01/18/91)

   I've just compiled this source, only a few warnings, but unexpectidly
I discovered that the executable is about 1Meg long!!! How can that be,
is this really a bug in the C compiler - could someone else verify my


---------------------- CUT BELOW -------------------------
squeeze.c: Adaptive data compression with Miller-Wegman method.

/* explicit blocking char? <-- */
/* go from file to file and delete old file... .M? .W? .S? */
/* alloc() instead of huge array? less obnoxious? */
/* maybe stick to shorts for codes? half the memory */
/* how else to reduce memory requirement? */
/* signals? */
/* LRU? I think not */
/* option to decompress instead? I think not */
/* needs option for not searching dictionary after memory freeze? no */
/* is transition through clearing table ok? yes */
/* other blocking methods? not yet */
/* trie at top levels? like first version? hmmm */

static char squeezeauthor[] =
"squeeze was written by Daniel J. Bernstein.\n\
Internet address: brnstnd@acf10.nyu.edu.\n\
Thanks to Herbert J. Bernstein for suggesting the data structures used.\n";

static char squeezeversion[] = 
"squeeze version 1.711, October 28, 1989.\n\
Copyright (c) 1989, Daniel J. Bernstein.\n\
All rights reserved.\n";

static char squeezecopyright[] =
"squeeze version 1.711, October 28, 1989.\n\
Copyright (c) 1989, Daniel J. Bernstein.\n\
All rights reserved.\n\
You are granted the following rights: A. To make copies of this work in\n\
original form, so long as (1) the copies are exact and complete; (2) the\n\
copies include the copyright notice, this paragraph, and the disclaimer\n\
of warranty in their entirety. B. To distribute this work, or copies made\n\
under the provisions above, so long as (1) this is the original work and\n\
not a derivative form; (2) you do not charge a fee for copying or for\n\
distribution; (3) you ensure that the distributed form includes the\n\
copyright notice, this paragraph, and the disclaimer of warranty in their\n\
entirety. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or\n\
other notice by Daniel J. Bernstein. This copyright notice shall be\n\
governed by the laws of the state of New York.\n\
If you have questions about squeeze or about this copyright notice,\n\
or if you would like additional rights beyond those granted above,\n\
please feel free to contact the author at brnstnd@acf10.nyu.edu\n\
on the Internet.\n";

static char squeezewarranty[] =
"To the extent permitted by applicable law, Daniel J. Bernstein disclaims\n\
all warranties, explicit or implied, including but not limited to the\n\
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.\n\
Daniel J. Bernstein is not and shall not be liable for any damages,\n\
incidental or consequential, arising from the use of this program, even\n\
if you inform him of the possibility of such damages. This disclaimer\n\
shall be governed by the laws of the state of New York.\n\
In other words, use this program at your own risk.\n\
If you have questions about squeeze or about this disclaimer of warranty,\n\
please feel free to contact the author at brnstnd@acf10.nyu.edu\n\
on the Internet.\n";

static char squeezeusage[] =
"Usage: squeeze [ -eErRbBvACHUVW ]\n\
Help:  squeeze -H\n";

static char squeezehelp[] =
"squeeze compresses its input and prints the result, using adaptive Miller-\n\
Wegman encoding, a variation on Ziv-Lempel encoding. It usually produces\n\
files 10-40%% shorter than compress does. To decompress, use unsqueeze.\n\
squeeze -A: print authorship notice\n\
squeeze -C: print copyright notice\n\
squeeze -H: print this notice\n\
squeeze -U: print short usage summary\n\
squeeze -V: print version number\n\
squeeze -W: print disclaimer of warranty\n\
squeeze [ -eErRbBv ]: compress\n\
  -e: explicitly indicate EOF\n\
  -E: do not explicitly indicate EOF (default)\n\
  -r: ``randomize'' output; useful before encryption\n\
  -R: do not randomize output (default)\n\
  -b: readapt to next block when out of memory (default)\n\
  -B: freeze working adaptation when out of memory\n\
  -v: announce compression results (``verbose'')\n\
If you have questions about or suggestions for squeeze, please feel free\n\
to contact the author, Daniel J. Bernstein, at brnstnd@acf10.nyu.edu\n\
on the Internet.\n";

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#define ALPHABET 256
#define BUFSIZE 50000
#define MOD 50000
#define OUTBUFSIZE 50000

int flagrandom = 0;
int flageof = 0;
int flagblocking = 1; /* sigh */
int flagverbose = 0;

int numberin = 0;
int numberout = 0;

int table[MOD];

int parent[DICTSIZE];
int num[DICTSIZE];
int next[DICTSIZE];

#define morehash(curhash,ch) ( ( curhash * 256 + ch + 1) % MOD )
/* Rules on hash: For same curhash and different ch, must produce
different hash. Must produce values between 0 and MOD - 1.

 register int h;

 for (h = 0;h < MOD;)
   table[h++] = 0;

 fprintf(stderr,"In: %d chars  Out: %d chars  Squeezed to: %d%%\n",
 numberin,numberout,(100 * numberout + numberin / 2) / numberin);

 register int ch;

 for (ch = 0;ch < ALPHABET;ch++)
   parent[ch + 1] = 0;
   num[ch + 1] = ch;
   next[ch + 1] = 0;
   table[morehash(0,ch)] = ch + 1;

int y[55];
int j;
int k;

 for (j = 0;j < 20;j++)
   y[j] = ((0 >> j) + (0 >> j)) % 2;
 for (j = 0;j < 20;j++)
   y[j + 20] = (0 >> j) % 2;
 y[54] = 1;
 j = 24;
 k = 0;

int randombit()
 j = (j + 54) % 55;
 k = (k + 54) % 55;
 return(y[k] = y[k] ^ y[j]);

/* input routines */

unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE];
int bufstart = 0;
int bufend = 0;

/* getchar() with readable buffer */
#define inchar() ( bufstart != bufend ? ((result = buf[bufstart]), \
  (bufstart = (bufstart + 1) % BUFSIZE), result) : ((result = getchar()), \
  result == EOF ? EOF : ((buf[bufstart] = result = (unsigned char) result), \
  (bufend = (bufstart = (bufstart + 1) % BUFSIZE)), result )))
/* uses register int result --- down in main */

/* reread last n buffered characters */
#define inrepeat(n) { bufstart = (bufstart + BUFSIZE - (n)) % BUFSIZE; }
/* stupid C mod... note: need not check n > BUFSIZE since n < DICTSIZE */

/* un-reread n buffered characters */
#define uninrepeat(n) { bufstart = (bufstart + (n)) % BUFSIZE; }
/* stupid C mod... note: need not check n > BUFSIZE since n < DICTSIZE */

/* output routines */

int outn[OUTBUFSIZE];
int outb[OUTBUFSIZE];
int outbitpos = 0;
int outword = 0;
int outbuf = 0;

register int ch;
register int max;
 register int m = (max + flageof + flagblocking) >> 8;
   /* skipping eight steps because max >= 128 */

 outb[outbuf] = 8;
 while (m)
   outb[outbuf]++, m >>= 1;

 if (flagrandom)
   if (ch < (1 << outb[outbuf]) - max - flageof - flagblocking - 1)
     if (randombit())
       ch += (max + flageof + flagblocking + 1);
 outn[outbuf] = ch;
 if (outbuf == OUTBUFSIZE)
   for (outbuf = 0;outbuf < OUTBUFSIZE;outbuf++)
     outword += (outn[outbuf] << outbitpos);
     outbitpos += outb[outbuf];
     while (outbitpos > 7)
       putchar((outword & 255));
       outword >>= 8;
       outbitpos -= 8;
   outbuf = 0;

 register int i;

 for (i = 0;i < outbuf;i++)
   outword += (outn[i] << outbitpos);
   outbitpos += outb[i];
   while (outbitpos > 7)
     putchar((outword & 255));
     outword >>= 8;
     outbitpos -= 8;
 if (flagrandom)
   while (outbitpos < 7)
     outword += (randombit() << outbitpos);
     outbitpos++; /* fill the final byte with random bits */
 putchar(outword); /* the final byte */

/* the real stuff */

int argc;
char *argv[];
char *envp[];
 register int ch;
 register int maxnum;
 register int maxnode;
 register int i;
 register int match;
 register int matchlen;
 register int curhash;
 register int dictmatch;
 register int dictmatchlen;
 register int dictmatchhash;
 register int oldmatch;
 register int oldmatchhash;
 register int result; /* for inchar() */

 while (*(++argv))
   if (**argv == '-')
     while (*(++(*argv)))
         case 'e': flageof = 1; break;
         case 'E': flageof = 0; break;
         case 'r': flagrandom = 1; break;
         case 'R': flagrandom = 0; break;
         case 'b': flagblocking = 1; break;
         case 'B': flagblocking = 0; break;
         case 'v': flagverbose = 1; break;
         case 'A': printf(squeezeauthor); exit(0);
         case 'C': printf(squeezecopyright); exit(0);
         case 'V': printf(squeezeversion); exit(0);
         case 'W': printf(squeezewarranty); exit(0);
         case 'H': printf(squeezehelp); exit(0);
         case 'U': printf(squeezeusage); exit(0);
         default: ;
     fprintf(stderr,"squeeze: I am a filter, try sqz for squeezing files\n");

 if (flagrandom)

 maxnum = ALPHABET - 1;
 maxnode = ALPHABET;

 if ((ch = inchar()) == EOF)
   if (flageof) /* can't leave without saying goodbye! */
     outnum(maxnum + 1,maxnum);
   if (flagverbose)
 oldmatch = table[oldmatchhash = morehash(0,ch)];

 for (;;)
   match = matchlen = curhash = 0;
   dictmatch = dictmatchlen = dictmatchhash = 0;

   for (;;)
     if ((ch = inchar()) == EOF)
       if (matchlen == 0)
         if (flageof) /* can't leave without saying goodbye! */
           outnum(maxnum + 1,maxnum);
         if (flagverbose)
     curhash = morehash(curhash,ch);
     for (i = table[curhash];i;i = next[i])
       if (parent[i] == match)
         match = i; matchlen++;
         if (num[i] != -1)
           dictmatch = match;
           dictmatchlen = matchlen;
           dictmatchhash = curhash;
         goto top_of_loop; /* I wish C had real control structures */
     /* i is zero; we didn't match on this character. */
     break; /* could stick the reread(1) here */
   numberin += dictmatchlen;
   inrepeat((ch != EOF) + matchlen);
   /* Reread first dictmatchlen and extend onto laststring. */
   match = oldmatch;
   curhash = oldmatchhash;
   while (dictmatchlen-- > 0)
     ch = inchar(); /* can't be EOF---repetition of previous */
     curhash = morehash(curhash,ch);
     for (i = table[curhash];i;i = next[i])
       if (parent[i] == match)
         match = i;
     if (!i) /* we're out of the tree---zoom on down! */
       if (maxnode + dictmatchlen + 1 < DICTSIZE)
         parent[maxnode] = match;
         next[maxnode] = table[curhash];
         num[maxnode] = -1;
         match = maxnode;
         table[curhash] = maxnode;
         while (dictmatchlen-- > 0)
           ch = inchar(); /* can't be EOF */
           curhash = morehash(curhash,ch);
           parent[maxnode] = match;
           next[maxnode] = table[curhash];
           num[maxnode] = -1;
           match = maxnode;
           table[curhash] = maxnode;
         /* oh, dear, we've run out of memory. */
         maxnode = DICTSIZE;
         dictmatchlen = 0; /* is this necessary? */
         if (flagblocking) /* let's start over! */
           outnum(maxnum + flageof + 2,maxnum + 1);
           goto start_over; /* I wish C had real control structures */
   if (maxnode < DICTSIZE)
     if (num[match] == -1)
       num[match] = maxnum;
     else /* oops, a conflict */
       if (flagrandom)
         if (randombit())
           num[match] = maxnum;
   /* The other repeated inchars are saved for the next match. */
   oldmatch = dictmatch;
   oldmatchhash = dictmatchhash;
|   ()()TEVEN         ()         |                                         |  
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|      ()   ()()   ()()()()      +-----------------------------------------+
|   ()()     ()   ()      ()ARDT |JANET E-mail : vanaards@uk.ac.man.cs.p4  |

rogersh%p2c@uk.ac.man.cs (01/18/91)

In article <1991Jan18.150311.23599@cns.umist.ac.uk> vanaards%t7@uk.ac.man.cs writes:
>   I've just compiled this source, only a few warnings, but unexpectidly
>I discovered that the executable is about 1Meg long!!! How can that be,
>is this really a bug in the C compiler - could someone else verify my

Extracts from the program are below: The C compiler statically links in
these arrays which are *huge*. Whoever wrote this should be calling
malloc(). Basically the 1 Meg. executable contains vast tracts of zero
initialised data which most other compilers would generate code to create
at runtime (or maybe the linker should do it).


>#define ALPHABET 256
>#define BUFSIZE 50000
>#define MOD 50000
>#define OUTBUFSIZE 50000

>int table[MOD];
>int parent[DICTSIZE];
>int num[DICTSIZE];
>int next[DICTSIZE];

>unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE];

>int outn[OUTBUFSIZE];
>int outb[OUTBUFSIZE];

[ H.J.Rogers (INTERNET: rogersh%p4%cs.man.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu)       ]
[    ,_,     (BITNET/EARN: rogersh%p4%cs.man.ac.uk@UKACRL.BITNET)      ]
[  :-(_)-o   (UUCP: ...!uunet!cunyvm.cuny.edu!cs.man.ac.uk!p4!rogersh) ]
[   _} {_    (JANET: rogersh%p4@uk.ac.man.cs)                          ]

as@castle.ed.ac.uk (A Stevens) (01/19/91)

In article <1991Jan18.150311.23599@cns.umist.ac.uk> vanaards%t7@uk.ac.man.cs writes:
>   I've just compiled this source, only a few warnings, but unexpectidly
>I discovered that the executable is about 1Meg long!!! How can that be,
>is this really a bug in the C compiler - could someone else verify my
>  Thanks. 

From my experience with compiling a Prolog system I suspect the problem
is those large global arrays.  As I recall ANSI-C allocates them
into the o. files!  You can cure this behaviour (as I recall) by
compiling with the -pcc flag.  This switches global arrays from
initialised to unitialised data.   I recall a ``volatile'' decalration
also helped - buy that might produce lousy code.   This bug is
fixed in the latest beta releases of C I am told.

This is all from memory ...


altman@tharr.UUCP (Hugo Fiennes) (01/21/91)

 The C program you posted would generate a long executable on C version 3.00
- it allocates large areas of globals (remember int's are 4 bytes!) which 
on v3.00 are allocated at compile /link time, whereas the latest C (not sure
if it's available to non-developers yet, 3.1B) allocates such things at

-- Hugo Fiennes ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- "HAL, you're not IBM compatible..."
<-- tharr *free* public access to Usenet in the UK 0234 261804 -->