[net.games.rogue] HP calculations

mat (02/17/83)

When you graduate to a new skill level, how is your new Hit Point total
calculated?  Also, I have been at 50 or so HP max, attacked by a wraith,
knoked down a level, and, when I killed the wraith, my skill level went
up one, my experience points gained back about 1/3 of what the wraith had
taken, and my Hit Points jumped to 70 !?

I'm on a slightly hacked 4.??? rogue.  Any explanations? Bug, feature ?

alb (02/17/83)

When you go up a level, you gain 1d10 HP.  When you go down (e.g.
from a wraith), you lose 1d10, so you do not necessarily have to
gain exactly what you lost from a wraith (if you are daring, if
you have just gained a level and very few HP, you may want to
let a wraith knock you down one (hoping to lose just a few HP,
taking the chance of losing many) and then hope to gain a lot more
when you go back up)

debray (02/18/83)

For each experience level that one gains, one's Max Hp goes up by 1d10.
Experience level transitions occur at exp points of 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, ...
The fact that the Hp increase is 1d10 explains the "wraith effect" - it's
happened to me a few times, though never so spectacularly as described.
Typically, I'd be at Hp = 64, get hit by a wraith and go down an exp level
to a Hp of about 60, then kill the wraith, regain my exp level and end up
with a Hp of about 68.
						saumya k. debray

mcewan (02/18/83)

uiucdcs!mcewan    Feb 18 14:05:00 1983

On versions of rogue that I'm familiar with (5.2, 3.6), when you
ascend to a new level your HP goes up by a random number between
1 and 10. A wraith knocks you down to just under the cut-off for
your current experience level (2^(n-2) * 10 experience points,
where n=level). Thus when you kill the wraith, you go back to
your previous level (unless the wraith took more than one level
from you. Your new HP is previous HP-rand(10)+rand(10) - if you're
lucky you can GAIN HP (e.g., HP go down by 1 when the wraith hits you,
up by 10 when you kill it). Your version of rogue must be different,
since I don't see how your HP can jump by 20.