[net.games.rogue] rogue game

wapd (02/15/83)

	Interesting situation :  I had a cursed ring of teleportation on.
Various monsters started pounding me into the dust, so I dropped a
scare monster scroll.  Killed several monsters before being teleported elsewhere.
Later (ring still on) an Umber Hulk trapped me and started killing me.
Dropped another scare monster scroll and started whacking the U.
After two or three hits on it, I got the message "the scroll turns to dust
as you pick it up".  Then the U wasted me.
	Apparently, I picked the scroll up without moving.  I didn't
know that was possible (rogue 3.7).
					Bill Dietrich

mjl (02/15/83)

When wearing a cursed teleport ring, it is possible (though VERY unlikely)
to teleport and end up at your original location.  <At least, I think it's
possible>.  The only way to know this has happened is if you happen to have 
just dropped something -- when you pop back in on the same spot, you pick it
up.  This has happened to me twice and it's the only explanation I can think 
of .

					Matt Landau

dave (02/19/83)

Picking up something when not moving can also happen if you are
confused, attempt to move but don't actually move. I had
it happen when I moved onto something, couldn't carry anything
else and quaffed a potion to make room. It was confusion, and
on my next 'h' (or whatever) I got a message about picking up the
thing I was standing on.

Dave Sherman