[net.games.rogue] ** Spoiler ** - Violet Fungi

ronnie (02/17/83)

****************     Spoiler   ****************

I have had a few people asking me about violet fungi. The way they work
are as follows:

When you first meet a violet fungi its damage is 0d0. Then each successive
time the fungi hits you its damage become %dd1 where %d is %d+1. Also,
when the violet fungi misses you it will STILL TAKE AWAY the damage, the
only difference is that the %d will not go up by one. So you theoretically
could be killed b a violet fungi that keeps missing you! And then there is
the obvious power that a violet fungi has to hold you.

			Happy Rogueing,
			Ronnie (decvax!genradbo!mitccc!ronnie) [boppo]

dennis (02/19/83)

  I gather that "everyone knows" the 1d3 type notation used to describe the
  interactions with the monsters in rogue.  Would someone be willing to
  explain the notation for those of us who don't understand.  This also
  applies to the two numbers associated with weapons, and maybe other
  parts of the game that I'm not aware of.  Knowing more about what's going
  on will make the game even better.

	Dennis Cottel, Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA  92152
	(619) 225-2504        dennis@nosc        sdcsvax!noscvax!dennis