(Pierre Antoine Angelini) (10/24/89)
I' m facing a strange problem since I use PC-NFS 3.01. First of all, our network configuration: 110 PC ( Persona 1600, the french version of Olivetti M24) with 640 KO, 2 drivesand a 3C501 ethernet board, running under Dos 3.20 and PCNFS 3.01 700 registered users. A SUN 3/160 as server under Sun OS 3.5 11 shared serial printers through MUX. For some PC, we use local serial printers. Everything was working fine under PCNFS 2.0 Using 3.01 gives us more flexibility in administrating the network, but we discovered that PC using local printers were sometime working , sometime not. It means that ,after booting up the PC, if local printing works at the first time, you will have no problem, until you reboot. Upon rebooting, if you are unlucky, your PC will hang with the first print request. It has been impossible to have a PC printing everytime (or failing everytime). They sometime work, sometime not.I' m still talking about local printing. Shared printing or shared drives always work. What did I tried to solve the problem ? Booting without network drivers ---> local printing works Booting with PCNFS 2.00 ----> local printing works Booting with PCNFS 3.01 and removing resident softwares (NDOSEDIT) -->local printing fails, from time to time and hangs PC The autoexec.bat looks like that Keybfr path etc.... prt * -T30 set TZ etc... net ypdomain IFSIC net start rdr net use d: \\hostname\path net pcnfsd hermes net name somebody * then for shared printers : net use lpt1: \\hostname\printer or for local printers : mode lpt1:=com1 mode com1:=12,e,7,1 It seems that doing a PrintScreen just after the end of boot solve the problem. But I'm still not satisfied , for I would like to understand what happens. ########################################################################## Anyway, PC-NFS is great. I remember one question about PCNFSD and users authentification that went a few days ago. My opinion is that it would be a good improvement to deny access to non-authentified users or ,at least, to be able to choose to do so or not. One more question: Could it be possible to send emergency messages ( such as " server going down inX minutes) directly to the screen of the PC.? I know there must be "something" running on the Pc able to answer such request. There is such a device to answer ping requests. Would it be a BIG job ? ________________________________________________________________________________Pierre Antoine ANGELINI (PAA) | E-MAIL : IFSIC /IRISA | Atelier Micro | Telephone : poste 480 Universite de Rennes I | Campus de beaulieu | Fax : 35042 RENNES CEDEX - FRANCE | --------------------------------PACE ET SALUTE---------------------------------- (Pierre Antoine Angelini) (10/26/89)
I made an error in my previous posting. Instead of prt -T30 * , I wrote prt * -T30 My posting was wrong, my autoexec was right. Thanks to for his mail about that.