[comp.protocols.nfs] MAC & NFS

ianm@biobris.oz (Ian McLeod) (02/19/90)

	Is there a Network software package for the Macintosh that will
allow it to address an NFS server. We are currently using TOPS over an
ETHERNET with a DOVE network card in the Mac.

	If it exists what is it called and where can I get it.

thank you

   | Ian Mc Leod                      | Voice : Australia (07) 377 0327 |
   | CSIRO Tropical Crops & Pastures  | Fax   : Australia (07) 371 3946 |
   | 306 Carmody road   St Lucia      |                                 |
   | Brisbane    4067   Australia     | ACSnet: ianm@biobris.oz         |