[comp.protocols.nfs] Maximum number of open files under PC-NFS

wright@hsi.UUCP (Gary Wright) (03/22/90)

I have a small program that reports the number of open
file descriptors it can get via repeated calls to open().
When the file that is opened is on a standard DOS disk (the C drive)
the program is able to open the file 15 times.  When the same
program tries to open a file on an NFS drive, it can only
get 6 file descriptors before the open fails.

Can anyone explain why this is the case and what I can do to
allow more descriptors on an NFS drive?  (I tried changing files
and buffers in CONFIG.SYS)
Gary Wright                                                 ...!uunet!hsi!wright
Health Systems International                                      wright@hsi.com