[comp.protocols.nfs] NFS Servers

fct@raybed2.msd.ray.com (FRED THOMPSON) (07/27/90)

I'm not sure what is the right group, so I'll start out here.
We are expanding our usage of workstations and Xterms and are coming into
the problem that with NFS, if the server machine is down, everybody is
down. What we would like is an NFS Server machine that is Fault-Tolerant
and will be able to handle a bit of traffic. As most of our disks are on
HSC's, it would be nice if this machine could connect to an HSC. These
NFS servers are new to us, so we don't know what's out there. Anyone
have any ideas or suggestions.


Fred Thompson,   ...!linus!swlvx2!fct  or  fct@swlvx2.msd.ray.com
Raytheon Co,     Missile Systems Division, Tewksbury, Mass. 01876