xxseub@osprey (Steven Eubanks) (08/08/90)
I'm just beginning to test PC-NFS against U-B's NDIS driver and am experiencing problems. While starting up PC-NFS, I get an error when NETBIND executes: Sun Microsystems PC-NFS Network File System Version 3.0.1 Serial # --------- Copyright (c) ------------ Copyright (c) ------------ MS DOS LAN Manager Protocol Manager v1.1 Sun Microsystems PC-NFS(R) NDIS Interface Driver Version 0.2 Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UBNEI$: Initialization started. UBNEI$: Initialization succeeded. MS DOS LAN Manager Netbind v1.1 ---> PRO0025E Failed to bind C> NET START RDR ws-name * NFS908F Configuration error - LANMAN NETBIND must be run before NFSRUN Has anyone else seen this and/or are aware of the cause? I'm currently using v0.2 of the PC-NFS NDIS Interface Driver (June 26 1990), and to the best of my knowledge have tried to follow both the instructions that came with the compatibility kit as well as those that came from U-B. I am running NFSRUN directly after NETBIND. And my CONFIG.SYS and PROTOCOL.INI files look as follows: -------------------- FILES=30 BUFFERS=40 FCBS=16,8 LASTDRIVE=V BREAK=ON SHELL=\COMMAND.COM /E:500 /P DEVICE=\DOS\ANSI.SYS DEVICE=D:\NFS\PCNFS.SYS DEVICE=D:\NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS DEVICE=\LANMAN\PROTMAN.SYS DEVICE=\LANMAN\NFS-NDIS.SYS DEVICE=\LANMAN\UBNEI.DOS ---------------------- ; Test PROTOCOL.INI for UBNEI and PC-NFS ; ; S W Eubanks, 3 Aug 1990 ; ; A strange melding of U-B and Sun example .INI files ; [protocol manager] drivername = PROTMAN$ [UBNEI] ; Note that many of these parameters have default values (which are ; given below under "Comments about UBNEI parameters"). A parameter need not ; be specified in your PROTOCOL.INI if its default value is satisfactory. DriverName = UBNEI$ AdapterType = Personal NIU MemoryWindow = 0xD0000 IO_Port = 0x360 IRQ_Level = 2 MaxRequests = 6 MaxTransmits = 6 ReceiveBufSize = 600 MaxMulticast = 16 ReceiveMethod = ReceiveLookahead ReceiveBuffers = 64 [NFS-NDIS] drivername = NFSLINK1 bindings = UBNEI ----------------------- Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. -- ====================================================================== Steven W. Eubanks, EDS/LIMS NASA Lewis Research Center Internet:xxseub@osprey.lerc.nasa.gov 21000 Brookpark Rd. (216)433-8498 Cleveland, OH 44135
milne@ICS.UCI.EDU (Alastair Milne) (08/09/90)
(This is to answer Steven Eubanks. Sorry to bother the group at large with this, but my mailer doesn't know who xxseub@osprey is.) I don't know how much I can help, since I'm running a WD8003E/A on a microchannel machine, but I have been through this myself. In comp.protocols.nfs you write: > I'm just beginning to test PC-NFS against U-B's NDIS driver and am >experiencing problems. While starting up PC-NFS, I get an error when >NETBIND executes: > UBNEI$: Initialization started. > UBNEI$: Initialization succeeded. > MS DOS LAN Manager Netbind v1.1 >---> PRO0025E Failed to bind Boy did I start to dread that notice. Finally got rid of it, though. > C> NET START RDR ws-name * > NFS908F Configuration error - LANMAN NETBIND must be run before NFSRUN I think this notice is par for the course whenever LANMAN's initialisation doesn't finish properly. > DEVICE=D:\NFS\PCNFS.SYS > DEVICE=D:\NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS > DEVICE=\LANMAN\PROTMAN.SYS > DEVICE=\LANMAN\NFS-NDIS.SYS > DEVICE=\LANMAN\UBNEI.DOS One thing I did find is that correct initialisation seems quite sensitive to the order in which the drivers are named. The order I use is: 1. PROTMAN.SYS; 2. the board driver (MACWD.SYS in my case); and 3. NFS-NDIS.SYS . Like you, I have PCNFS.SYS and SOCKDRV.SYS first. By the way, I don't know if CONFIG.SYS cares at all, but MACWD came as two files, one named MACWD.DOS, the other MACWD.OS2 . Since I'd never before seen a driver picked up by CONFIG.SYS whose name didn't end in .SYS, I changed MACWD.DOS to MACWD.SYS, so I don't know if *.DOS will work. I can't say very much about PROTOCOL.INI, since all I know about LANMAN is what was documented at clarkson. Meaning I'd never heard of it before, and have no idea what all the components are. Fortunately, one of the few benefits of having a microchannel machine is that it reads what it needs from the board for itself, and doesn't much care what I do or don't declare. >[protocol manager] > drivername = PROTMAN$ Looks like mine. >[UBNEI] >; Note that many of these parameters have default values (which are >; given below under "Comments about UBNEI parameters"). A parameter need not >; be specified in your PROTOCOL.INI if its default value is satisfactory. ... > MemoryWindow = 0xD0000 D0000 seems to be a *very* popular place to put things. You may need to make sure you don't have anything conflicting for this space, or choose a slightly different one if you do. >[NFS-NDIS] > drivername = NFSLINK1 > bindings = UBNEI Looks like mine. Hope this helps. Alastair Milne