[comp.protocols.nfs] 1990 ONC Conference

sxn@eng.sun.com (Steve Nahm) (09/25/90)

For the hard-core ONC/NFS developers, distributors, hackers and
fanatics, the 1990 ONC Conference is drawing near:


The 1990 ONC/NFS Industry Networking Conference for licensees and
developers of ONC/NFS-based products will be held October 9 at the Le
Baron Hotel in San Jose.  If you are a licensee of ONC/NFS source code,
or are involved in developing distributed applications based on ONC/NFS
technology, please come to this event.

As in previous years, the Conference is divided into technical and
marketing tracks.  Technical sessions will be presented by engineers
from Sun as well as such companies as Unisys, Control Data Corp., and
Legato.  Topics will include:

	-- enhancements to ONC/NFS including Kerberos authentication 
	-- improving NFS performance 
	-- specialized interfaces to RPC 
	-- the PC-NFS daemon and DOS 3.1 file locking 
	-- ONC and network management

Marketing sessions will include presentations from Sun and selected
software developers and users on why and how they are using ONC. Topics will

	-- ONC and PC LANs 
	-- Market implications of ONC/NFS on mainframes
	-- Upcoming ONC marketing events, including UniForum
	-- Growing the market for ONC-based distributed applications

The keynote speech will be given by Dr. Douglas Engelbart of Stanford
University.  Dr. Engelbart, a computer industry visionary whose
contributions include the mouse, hypertext and idea processing, will
discuss his current research, known as the Bootstrap Project.  The
vision of this project is to push the frontiers of information
management, hypermedia, groupware and organizational evolution with the
goal of bootstrapping organizations into the 21st century.

The conference is timed for Interop week to allow participants to
attend the ONC/NFS conference on Tuesday October 9, and then attend the
Interop Exhibition, which runs October 10-12.  Sun will send all
conference attendees complimentary tickets to the Interop Exhibition.


Sun employees wishing to attend should send email to Dennis Freeman at
dennisf@Corp.  Space may be limited.  For non-Sun employees, the conference
cost is $120.  The registration fee includes conference materials, continental
breakfast, lunch and evening reception.  Non-Sun employees can register and
receive further information by calling (415) 388-2814 between 9:00am and 5pm
Steve Nahm                              sxn@sun.COM or sun!sxn