[net.games.rogue] Saved games query

fdf (04/30/83)

A few weeks ago, I posted a note to this newsgroup
requesting help for a beginning roguer. Thanks to
many replies, I'm now a semi-addicted roguer. This note
pertains to restoring saved rogue files.

I recently saved the state of my best rogue game to date,
anticipating that I could go back later to delve even
deeper into the dungeon. Soon after saving the game, I
changed the protection state of all the files in my
directory (chmod XXX *). When I tried to restore the game
I received a message stating: Sorry, file has been touched.
Therefore, no game.

I realize that rogue does not allow one to copy the state of
saved games into other files and then use these files. I
guess this is to prevent a player from saving a game right
before he does something risky and then to keep playing
that game (with the copied file) after he bites the dust.
But to stop me from using a file just because I changed its
protection mode is going a little too far. So my question
is: can I somehow get my game back or should I start over?

Any replies or explanations may be mailed to me.

				Frank Fite