[comp.protocols.nfs] PC-NFS - Novell drive conflicts

binkley@skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov (Rob -Not from Bloom County- Binkley) (12/21/90)

I am running concurrently PC-NFS and Novell using the Packet Driver spec
on my PC.  I finally got this combination to work seamlessly after several
false starts (it took a while to get a good packet driver for PC-NFS and
for the Tiara board I'm using)

Is there any way to stop PC-NFS from grabbing all the drives F: thru V: ?
After loading PCNFS.SYS, there are only 4 drives left available for
the NOVELL side...not very many...

Other than that...both systems work very well...I was very surprised.

Robert L. Binkley			Internet: binkley@skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov
NASA Ames-Dryden Floght Research Facility
PO Box 273   MS: XRT (not the Chicago radio station)
Edwards, CA  93523