[net.games.rogue] flaming poor Glenn

dave@phonlab.UUCP (06/08/83)

Many systems that are crowded and put a load-limit on their rogue
(and other) games would definitely not be in favor of placing the
source to rogue on net.sources.  Believe it or not, those guys do
have their reasons for what they do!

We recently recieved a letter from Ken Arnold telling us that on
several machines, rogue had to be removed because there were so
many private copies lying around.  There is a student VAX here (at UCSD)
that is incredibly loaded, and we don't want games outlawed here!

You forgot to turn your FLAME OFF.

	Dave Pare

bch@unc.UUCP (06/12/83)

Let me second Dave Pare's remarks.  The recent posting of the source to
'warp' on net.sources caused some consternation on this system.  The
only reason that games are allowed to this point is that we have a fairly
strict method of game playing control at unc.  The uncontrolled distri-
bution of game sources would probably result in games being outlawed here
and at other heavily loaded systems (future posters of games to net.sources
please take note!)

					Byron Howes
					UNC - Chapel Hill