[comp.protocols.nfs] Accessing a UNIX disk from DOS over ethernet

dzubin@skorpio.Usask.ca (SED's Thomas Dzubin) (05/02/91)

SOSS is GREAT!  CUTCP is GREAT!  Clarkson packet drivers are GREAT!
...I may be pushing my luck wishing for one more piece of free software,

Is there any free MSDOS NFS *client* software around?  Is it at least
possible technically or should I go and re-read the NFS specs and beat
my head against a wall for being such an idiot?

Is anyone working on such a beast?  It would sure be nice to have SOSS
running on one PC and another PC accessing its files through some
'mounted' network drive D: (or E:, or F:, or ...etc.)

Thomas Dzubin, novice Network Coordinator
SED Systems Inc.  #18 Innovation Boulevard,  Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada
(306) 933-1573