(Brad Hemminger) (12/02/89)
I'm getting a panic: iinit that crashes the system when it's trying to boot. Specifically, I have a Vax 11/730 system that I'm unable to get going. In the boot process it does Rebooting Unix... UNIX 4.3 (XXXXXXX) #1: Tue Dec 1 17:15:48 PST 1987 memory... each of the devices in the config are probed, etc. then it does the panic: iinit and tries to dump to disk; right before it would start up the rc script. (i.e. it never gets to the message) Automatic reboot in progress... So it's probably in the init process? However, I'm am unable to find "iinit" in the source code (grep'ed all the kernal source stuff). Thanks, Brad Hemminger Dept of Radiology