UW 4.2 (Unix Windows) This posting contains UW 4.2 (the application), some documentation, a settings file, and a keys file in a Stuffit Archive. The date on the application is Jan 1988, but to my knowledge it has not been posted on the net before. I am still eager to receive _any_ Mac stuff for posting in the UK and Europe (Stacks, applications, DA's etc.). Just send to me at the address below. Phil Jimmieson, *************************************************** Computer Science Dept., * ** Note New Address & UserName ** * Liverpool University, * JANET : PHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CS.MVA * Merseyside, England, * ARPA : * L69 3BX * * * old address SQPHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CSVAX may work * (UK) 051-794-3689 ***************************************************