[comp.sys.super] Kahaner report parallel processor meeting

eugene@wilbur.nas.nasa.gov (Eugene N. Miya) (06/05/90)

From: David K. Kahaner ONRFE [kahaner@xroads.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp]
Re: Information Processing Society of Japan Symposium on Parallel 
      Processing '90 
5 June 1990

This meeting was held at ETL in Tsukuba 17-19 May 1990. A few of the 
papers dealt with material I have already reported, and I expect to 
report on some others later, but I felt it was important to make the 
titles available as rapidly as possible.  The papers were 
all given in Japanese, but in the Proceedings a few are printed in 
English.  We have translated several of the titles so some errors are 
possible. Please report these to me for correction.  

A copy of the Proceedings is available for 6,000 Yen plus postage from
      Information Processing Society of Japan
      Hoshina Building
      2-4-2 Azabudai
      Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan.

                            17-19 May 1990
                Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan

SESSION T1 - Distributed Memory

Cache Under Program Control in Parallel Processing
        Masaki Sato, Masahiro Sowa (Department of Electrical Engineering and
     Computer Science Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso, Nagoya 466,

Virtual Shared Memory on Loosely-coupled Multiprocessors      
        Takeshi Yamazaki, Koichi Wada (Institute of Information Science and
     Electronics, University of Tsukuba)

Data Transmission Operations on the Parallel Interconnection Model "Cubemat"
        Susumu Shibusawa (Department of Computer Science, Gumma University)

SESSION T2 - Distributed Algorithm

Parallel Algorithm for Fast Radix 4 Fourier Transform on an Eight-Neighbor
  Processor Array
        Kuninobu Tanno  (Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University)
        Susumu Horiguti (Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University)

An Optimal Sorting Algorithm for a Parallel Processor with Multiple Buses
        Satoshi Fujita, Masafumi Yamashita, Tadashi Ae (Cluster II, Faculty of
     Engineering, Hiroshima University)

The Load Distribution Method Based on the Execution Profile for PIE64
        Yasuo Hidaka, Hanpei Koike, Junichi Tatemura, Hidehiko Tanaka 
     (University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering) 

SESSION T3 - Synchronization Mechanisms

A Generalized Barrier-type Synchronization Mechanism
        Takashi Matsumoto (IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory)

High Speed Static Synchronization without any Additional Waiting
        Hiromitsu Takagi, Tadaaki Kawamura, Takaya Arita, Masahiro Sowa
        (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Nagoya
     Institute of Technology)

SESSION T4 - Computation Models

An Algebraic Process Calculus with Asynchronous Communication Mechanism
        Kenjiroh Yamanaka (NTT Software Laboratories)

Associative Computation Model:  A Computation Mechanism based on
        Tatsumi Furuya  (Electrotechnical Laboratory
        Akio Kokubu (New Media Development Association)

The Parallel Object-oriented Language A'UM-90
        Koichi Konishi, Tsutomu Mauruyama, Akihiko Konagaya (C&C Systems 
     Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation) 
        Kaoru Yoshida, Takashi Chikayama (Institute for New Generation 
     Computer Technology) 

SESSION A1 - Networks

Implementation and Evaluation of the Interconnection Network of PIE64
        Eiichi Takahashi, Hanpei Koike, Hidehiko Tanaka (University of Tokyo,
     Faculty of Engineering)

Automatic Detour Path Selection Method on a Hyper Crossbar Network
        Teruo Tanaka, Naoki Hamanaka (Central Research laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.)

3-D Optical Interconnection Networks
        Shigeru Kawai (C&C Information Technology Research Laboratories, NEC

SESSION A2 - Control Data Flow

The Organization of Global Memory for the Parallel Processing System -Harray-
        Hayato Yamana, Hiroshi Katayama, Yoshiro Kusano, Yoichi Muraoka (School
     of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)

Processor Optimization and Load Control in Datarol Architecture
        Kouji Sonoda, Tetsuro Ueda, Rinichiro Taniguchi, Makoto Amamiya
     (Department of Information Systems, Graduate School of Engineering
     Sciences, Kyushu University)

Architecture and Design of the CP Parallel Computer
        Vinod Sharma, Kouji Yamada, Masahiro Sowa (Nagoya Institute of
     Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466, Japan)

SESSION A3 - Symbolic Processing Machines

Architecture of SDC, The Super Database Computer
        S. Hirano, M. Harada, M. Nakamura, W. yang, M. Kitsuregawa, M. 
     Takagi (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo) 
        T. Ogawa (Ricoh)

Architecture of PIM/m Processor Element
        Hiroshi Nakashima, Yasutaka Takeda, Katsuto Nakajima (Mitsubishi 
     Electric Corporation) 

Associative Multiprocessor IXM2
        T. Higuchi, T. Furuya, K. Handa, A. Kokubu (Electrotechnical Laboratory)

SESSION A4 - Data Flow (1)

A Dataflow Single Chip Processor EMC-R Design Principles and 
       Yuetsu Kodama, Shunichi Sakai, Yoshinori Yamaguchi (Electrotechnical 

Architecture of the Data Driven Computer "EDDEN"
        Hiroki Miura, Masaki Kawaguchi, Kazuyuki Tanaka, Hideki Ohashi, 
     Masahisa Shimizu, Noriyuki Mori (Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.) 

SESSION A5 - Data Flow (2)

Architecture of a Prototype Hybrid-dataflow Processor
        Kei Hiraki (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and Electrotechnical 

Architecture of the Macro-dataflow Computer CODA 
        Kenji Toda, Kenji Nishida, Yoshinobu Ochibori, Toshio Shimada 
     (Electrotechnical Laboratory)

Hardware Design of the Macro-dataflow Computer CODA
        Kenji Nishida, Kenji Toda, Yoshinobu Uchibori, Toshio Shimada
     (Electrotechnical Laboratory)

SESSION A6 - Architecture

Configuration and Performance Evaluation of a Vector Processor Based on a
      Streaming/FIFO Architecture
        Tetsuo Hironaka, Keizou Okazaki, Kazuaki Murakami, Shinji Tomita 
        (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, 
        Kyushu University)

A Hybrid Parallel Architecture
        Takashi Kan, Hiroyuki Miyata, Tetsuaki Isonishi, Akira Iwase
     (Information Systems and Electronics Development Laboratory, 
          Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) 
        Akira Maeda, Kazunori Sekido, Atsushi Inoue (Information Systems
     Laboratory, Toshiba Corporation)

Processor Array QCDPAX and the Debugger for Parallel Programming
        Tomonori Shirakawa, Tsutomu Hoshino (Institute of Engineering 
     Mechanics, University of Tsukuba) 
        Yoichi Iwsaki, Kazuyuki Kanaya, Tomoteru Yoshie (Institute of 
     Physics, University of Tsukuba) 
        Yoshio Oyanagi (Institute of Information Sciences, University of 
        Shingo Ichii (KEK, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics) 
        Toshio Kawai (Department of Physics, Keio University) 

SESSION S1 - Programming Environments

A Distributed Processing System and an Environment for the Cooperative Model
        Norihiko Yoshida, Toshihiko Shimokawa (Kyushu University)
        Shuji Narazaki  (NTT)

Dataflow Program Developing Environment for the Parallel Processing System -
        Toshiaki Yasue, Jun Kohdate, Hayato Yamana, Yoichi Muraoka 
     (School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University) 

Multiprocessor Real-time Unix Mustard and its Software Development Environment
        Shunichi Hiroya, Takeshi Momoi, Toshio Miyachi (C&C Common 
     Software Development Laboratory, NEC Corporation) 

SESSION S2 - Programming Support Methods

Deriving Inductive Properties of Recursive Programs based on Least-fixedpoint
        Satoshi Ono, Mizuhito Ogawa, Yukio Tsuruoka (NTT Software 

The Parallel Programming Language Cable, and Visualization Facility for 
   Process Communications in Cable 
        Kazuyuki Yoshida, Kouichi Utsumiya, Kazuyoshi Korida, Kazuhiro Goto,
         Tetsuya Harada (Faculty of Engineering, Oita University)

Parallel Programming of Searching Problems in Committed-Choice Parallel Logic
   Programming Languages - An Extension of Layered Stream Programming 
        Yuji Matsumoto  (Kyoto University)
        Akira Okumura (ICOT)

SESSION S3 - Language Processing Systems

Generation Scavenging GC on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
        Hanpei Koike, Hidehiko Tanaka (University of Tokyo, Faculty of 

Improvements in Compiling Procedures for the KL1 - Parallel Logic Language
        K. Hirano (Social Science Laboratory, Fujitsu Ltd.)
        A. Goto (New Generation Computer Technology Development Organization)

SESSION S4 - Data Driven Languages

Programming System and Performance Evaluation of AMP
        Noriyasu Yamamoto, Masatoshi Hotta, Rinichiro Taniguchi, Makoto 
          Amamiya (Department of Information Systems, Graduate School of 
          Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University)

Implementation of the Dataflow Parallel Language DFCII
        Satoshi Sekiguchi, Toshio Shimada, Kei Hiraki (Electrotechnical 

An Implementation of a Datarol Program on an MIMD Computer
        Eiichi Takahashi, Rinichiro Taniguchi, Makoto Amamiya (Graduate 
          School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University) 

SESSION P1 - Applications (1)

Data Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) on the Cellular Array 
  Processor (CAP) 
      Makoto Ono, Shigeki Kuzuoka, Yoshimitsu Tanaka (Mitsubishi Electric
        Corporation Kamakura Works)
      Takashi Kan, Hiroyuki Miyata, Tetsuaki Isonishi (Mitsubishi 
        Electric Corporation Information Systems and Electronics 
        Development Laboratory) 

A Parallel Image Recognition System and Its Application to Quality 
  Judgement by Image Analysis 
      Kazuyoshi Inoue, Takashi Koezuka, Hidenobu Arita (Electronics R&D Lab,
        Nippon Steel Co.)

The Implementation of Parallel Processing for Molecular Evolutionary Analysis
  Using a Highly Parallel Processor
        Kimitoshi Naito, Masahito Kawai, Atsuko Kishino (FACOM-HITAC 
        Etsuko N. Moriyama, Kazuho Ikeo, Yasuo Ina, Takashi Gojobori 
          (National Institute of Genetics) 
        Morio Ikesaka, Hiroyuki Sato (Fujitsu Laboratories, Limited)

SESSION P2 - Applications (2)

Performance Evaluation of the Superscalar Processor "Shimpu" based on SIMP
   (Single Instruction System/Multiple Instruction Pipelining) Architecture
        Morihiro Kuga, Kazuaki Murakami, Shinji Tomita (Interdisciplinary 
     Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University) 
        Naohiko Irie (Current affiliation: Hitachi Ltd.)

QCD Simulation with Parallel Computer QCDPAX
        Yoshio Oyanagi (Institute of Information Sciences, University of 
        Yoichi Iwasaki, Kazuyuki Kanaya, Tomoteru Yoshie (Institute of 
          Physics, University of Tsukuba)
        Tsutomu Hoshino, Tomonori Shirakawa (Institute of Engineering 
          Mechanics, University of Tsukuba) 
        Shingo Ichii (KEK, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics)
        Toshio Kawai (Department of Physics, Keio University)

Cenju:  A Multiprocessor System for Modular Circuit Simulation
        Toshiyuki Nakata, Norio Tanabe, Nobuki Kajihara, Satoshi Matsushita,
          Hiromi Onozuka (NEC Corporation)
        Yoshihiro Asano, Nobuhiko Koike (NEC Scientific Information System
          Development Ltd.)

SESSION P3 - Applications (3)

The Demand-Driven Replay System for Parallel Programs based on Shared 
   Objects: Implementation and Evaluation 
        Naohisa Takahashi (NTT Software Laboratories)

Evaluation of Inter-processor Communication in the KL1 Implementation on 
   the Multi-PSI 
        Katsuto Nakajima (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
        Yu Inamura, Nobuyuki Ichiyoshi (ICOT)

Evaluation of Parallel Execution of the ATMS with a Parallel Lisp 
        Hiroshi G. Okuno (NTT Software Laboratories) 

SESSION P4 - Neural Networks

A RISC Processor Array for ANN
        Atsunobu Hiraiwa, Shigeru Kurosu, Shigeru Arisawa, Makoto Inoue 
          (Sony Corporate Research Laboratories) 

Neural Divide-and-Conquer Method and its Application for LSI Module Placement
        Shigeru Oyanagi (Research & Development Center, Toshiba 
          Corporation Kawasaki-shi, 210, Japan) 

An Application of the Preprocessing System LS-M on the Parallel Machine
  (SM)2 II - A Learning Algorithm based on Neural Network
        X.P. Ling, H. Amano, Y. Anzai   (Faculty of Science and 
          Technology, Keio University, Japan) 

------------END OF REPORT-----------------------------------------------