g_ahrendt@vaxa.uwa.oz (Gunter Ahrendt) (06/05/90)
>As for 3090's being supercomputers...Don't bet on it!! >We have a 3090-400 running in our shop, and some recent rumors have us inter- >ested in another manufacturer's machine (a plug compatable) that's supposed >to be TWICE as fast. >An IBM 3090-400 runs about 50 MIPS (That's strictly a guess!!) >I won't name names because it's all in the rumor stage right now. Is this a 400E, thats about 63mips, and your plug compatible? An Amdahl 5990/1400 rated at 126mips? Blah these are certainly not supers, sure the VF's are quite fast but still by no means supers.