[comp.sys.super] Distributed Memory Computing

qstout@zip.eecs.umich.edu (Quentin F. Stout) (10/04/90)

                         Call for Participation

              Portland, Oregon      28 April to 2 May, 1991
            Hosts: Oregon Advanced Computing Institute (OACIS)
                      and the University of Michigan

                  Submission deadline:  2 November 1990
                  Notification by:     31 January  1991

DMCC6, which continues the conference series originally called Hypercube
Multiprocessors, solicits papers, posters, tutorials, workshops, research
exhibits, and vendor exhibits related to any aspect of distributed memory
parallel computing.

Paper/Poster submission:  Send 3 copies of either the entire paper or an
  extended abstract of about 4 papers.  Each submission should begin with
  a short abstract of no more than 400 words, followed by a list of key
  words.  Submissions should have a succinct statement of the problems
  considered, results achieved, the significance of the work, and compar-
  ison to past work.  Indicate the desired method of presentation (talk,
  poster, or either).  Poster submissions may be used to present work-in-
  progress, or significant updates to prior work.  To encourage late-
  breaking results, poster-only submissions may be a 1-page abstract, and
  late poster submissions may be accepted subject to merit and space.

Tutorial proposals:  Send a description of audience, lecture outline,
  one-page abstract, vita, and three references who are familiar with
  your lecturing ability.

Panels/Workshops:  These have provided a lively and informative forum
  for the exchange of ideas, results, and viewpoints at prior HCCA and
  DMCC conferences, and will again be encouraged.  Submit a short
  proposal listed suggested participants and their qualifications.
  Late submissions may be accepted, subject to merit and space.

All submissions should include the complete mailing address, e-mail 
address, and phone number of the person to be notified.  Send paper,
poster, tutorial, panel, or workshop submissions to:

                 Quentin F. Stout
                 EECS Department
                 University of Michigan
                 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122  USA
                 qstout@eecs.umich.edu    313/763-1518

Research Exhibits and Demos:  Proposals are solicited for exhibits that
  demonstrate research results.  Emphasis should be on demonstrations
  that are interactive or have interesting visual impact.  Special
  equipment requirements, and/or a desire to connect to vendor equipment
  must be described in the proposal.  Two copies of the proposal should
  be sent to
                 Michael Cox, DMCC6 Conference Administrator
                 Suite 110
                 19500 NW Gibbs Drive
                 Beaverton, OR  97006
                 mcox@oacis.org   503/690-1214   503/690-1210 (FAX)

Vendor Exhibits:  DMCC6 enthusiastically solicits participation by
  vendors, publishers, and other institutions whose products or interests
  coincide with those of the conference attendees.  Contact Barbara
  Knudsen, of Knudsen Associates, as soon as possible for an exhibitor
  information packet.  [Phone: 503/274-7988, FAX: 503/222-4520]

Conference Chair:     Walter Rudd, OACIS and Oregon State University
Program Co-Chairs:    Quentin F. Stout, University of Michigan
                      Michael Wolfe, OACIS and Oregon Graduate Institute