(Elizabeth Timmons) (04/18/91)
Please spread the word that the OSC is offering a non-credit summer course on supercomputing for junior and senior undergrads. The following press release has the pertinent information. If possible, share this as a posting with CIS, math, engineering and science departments. Also, please note that it is open to only northeastern states: MI, IN, OH, WV,PA,MD,DE,NJ,CT,RI,NH,MA,ME,VT,VA, and KY. BEGIN PRESS RELEASE------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 17, 1991 Contact: Elizabeth Timmons (614)292-6067 Supercomputer Course for Undergraduates Slated to Begin COLUMBUS, Ohio -- At a time when state and federal governments are looking to improve math and science education, a new course has been developed to teach undergraduates the ropes of supercomputing. The Ohio Supercomputer Center announced today that they will begin instructing a course on supercomputing for junior and senior level undergraduates in math, engineering, computers and the sciences. According to the Center, the non-credit course, funded by the National Science Foundation, will provide students with research experience in order to prepare them for graduate school or the workplace. Computational researchers from the Center and The Ohio State University will teach usage of a CRAY Y-MP supercomputer, the UNIX operating system, FORTRAN and C compilers, fluid dynamics applications, and scientific visualization. In addition to the CRAY, students will use computers from Digital, NeXT, Silicon Graphics, and Apple. Students will receive hands-on experience in grid generation, computer simulation of two- and three-dimensional fluid flow and heat transfer, and computer visualization of flows using graphics hardware and software. The ten-week course, "Research Experience for Undergraduates to Enhance Computation, Science and Research," is slated to begin in June at the Ohio Supercomputer Center in Columbus. It is open to any junior or senior level undergraduate in the northeastern United States. There is no charge for tuition, room and board. Applications can be requested by calling (614)292-6082, sending electronic mail to, or writing the Ohio Supercomputer Center, 1224 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212. Deadline for application is May 17, 1991. The Ohio Supercomputer Center is a state-funded facility that provides training, consultation and use of a CRAY Y-MP supercomputer and state-of-the-art visualization laboratory. END-------------------------------------------------------------------- (Elizabeth Timmons) (04/19/91)
This announcement pertains to undergrads in the northeast and parts of the midwest US. My apologies for having to post to the entire US. The Ohio Supercomputer Center is offering a non-credit course on high-performance computing for undergrads. THe following press release gives the details. Please share this information with any juniors and seniors that might be interested: its basically free. Also, please note that it is open to only northeastern states: MI, IN, OH, WV,PA,MD,DE,NJ,CT,RI,NH,MA,ME,VT,VA, and KY. Send any questions to (614)292-6082. BEGIN PRESS RELEASE----------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 17, 1991 Contact: Elizabeth Timmons (614)292-6067 Supercomputer Course for Undergraduates Slated to Begin COLUMBUS, Ohio -- At a time when state and federal governments are looking to improve math and science education, a new course has been developed to teach undergraduates the ropes of supercomputing. The Ohio Supercomputer Center announced today that they will begin instructing a course on supercomputing for junior and senior level undergraduates in math, engineering, computers and the sciences. According to the Center, the non-credit course, funded by the National Science Foundation, will provide students with research experience in order to prepare them for graduate school or the workplace. Computational researchers from the Center and The Ohio State University will teach usage of a CRAY Y-MP supercomputer, the UNIX operating system, FORTRAN and C compilers, fluid dynamics applications, and scientific visualization. In addition to the CRAY, students will use computers from Digital, NeXT, Silicon Graphics, and Apple. Students will receive hands-on experience in grid generation, computer simulation of two- and three-dimensional fluid flow and heat transfer, and computer visualization of flows using graphics hardware and software. The ten-week course, "Research Experience for Undergraduates to Enhance Computation, Science and Research," is slated to begin in June at the Ohio Supercomputer Center in Columbus. It is open to any junior or senior level undergraduate in the northeastern United States. There is no charge for tuition, room and board. Applications can be requested by calling (614)292-6082, e-mailing, or writing the Ohio Supercomputer Center, 1224 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212. Deadline for application is May 17, 1991. The Ohio Supercomputer Center is a state-funded facility that provides training, consultation and use of a CRAY Y-MP supercomputer and a state-of-the-art visualization laboratory. ### END PRESS RELEASE----------------------------------------------------