yoshida@csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp (Norihiko Yoshida) (06/06/91)
---------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n S u p e r c o m p u t i n g 6-8 November 1991, Fukuoka, JAPAN Sponsored by : Kyushu University Supported by : Information Processing Society of Japan The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Application is being processed) Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (Application is being processed) Supercomputing is giving a significant influence on computer architecture, systems software, algorithms and applications. The aim of this symposium is to promote communications between researchers of different disciplines, discuss current problems and get proper insight into future of supercomputing. Papers presenting original research and practical experiences in supercomputing are sought. Authors should submit an extended abstract in about 800 English words to be received by the program chair no later than June 28, 1991. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by August 9, 1991. A final copy of each accepted paper within 10 pages in the symposium format will be due by September 20, 1991. Suggested Topics : Vector and Parallel Supercomputing Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers and Benchmarking Compilers and Optimization for Supercomputers Numerical analysis in Supercomputing Environment Supercomputing in Science and Engineering Visualization Networking in Supercomputing Environment Supercomputing in Nonnumeric Applications and Artificial Intelligence Symposium Chair : Kazuo Ushijima (Kyushu University) Program Chair : Masaaki Shimasaki Computer Center, Kyushu University Fukuoka 812, Japan E-mail: simasaki@cc.kyushu-u.ac.jp Tel: +81-92-641-1101 ext.2507 Fax: +81-92-631-3196 Program Committee : Masato Abe (Tohoku Univ.) Jack Dongarra (Univ. of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab.) Iain S Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS) Yasuyo Hatano (Chukyo Univ.) Satosi Hoshino (Kyoto Univ.) Noriko Iida (NACSIS) Yasumasa Kanada (Univ. of Tokyo) Sadatoshi Kumagai (Osaka Univ.) Katsuhiko Miyoshi (Hokkaido Univ.) Yoichi Muraoka (Waseda Univ.) Tooru Nagai (Nagoya Univ.) Yoshio Oyanagi (Univ. of Tokyo) Aad van der Steen (ACCU) Hidehiko Tanaka (Univ. of Tokyo) Shinji Tomita (Kyoto Univ.) Takao Tsuda (Kyoto Univ.) Local Arrangement Chair : Norihiko Yoshida (Kyushu University) Tetsuya Furukawa (Kyushu University) Hiroyuki Sato (Kyushu University) Important Dates : Deadline for submission - June 28, 1991 Notification - August 9, 1991 Final paper due - September 20, 1991 Symposium - November 6-8, 1991 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Norihiko Yoshida Kyushu University yoshida@csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp
yoshida@csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp (Norihiko Yoshida) (06/24/91)
# This is the second CFP posting, for the deadline is close. # ---------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n S u p e r c o m p u t i n g 6-8 November 1991, Fukuoka, JAPAN Sponsored by : Kyushu University Supported by : Information Processing Society of Japan The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Application is being processed) Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (Application is being processed) Supercomputing is giving a significant influence on computer architecture, systems software, algorithms and applications. The aim of this symposium is to promote communications between researchers of different disciplines, discuss current problems and get proper insight into future of supercomputing. Papers presenting original research and practical experiences in supercomputing are sought. Authors should submit an extended abstract in about 800 English words to be received by the program chair no later than June 28, 1991. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by August 9, 1991. A final copy of each accepted paper within 10 pages in the symposium format will be due by September 20, 1991. Suggested Topics : Vector and Parallel Supercomputing Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers and Benchmarking Compilers and Optimization for Supercomputers Numerical analysis in Supercomputing Environment Supercomputing in Science and Engineering Visualization Networking in Supercomputing Environment Supercomputing in Nonnumeric Applications and Artificial Intelligence Symposium Chair : Kazuo Ushijima (Kyushu University) Program Chair : Masaaki Shimasaki Computer Center, Kyushu University Fukuoka 812, Japan E-mail: simasaki@cc.kyushu-u.ac.jp Tel: (092) 641-1101 ext.2507 Fax: (092) 631-3196 Program Committee : Masato Abe (Tohoku Univ.) Jack Dongarra (Univ. of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab.) Iain S Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS) Yasuyo Hatano (Chukyo Univ.) Satosi Hoshino (Kyoto Univ.) Noriko Iida (NACSIS) Yasumasa Kanada (Univ. of Tokyo) Sadatoshi Kumagai (Osaka Univ.) Katsuhiko Miyoshi (Hokkaido Univ.) Yoichi Muraoka (Waseda Univ.) Tooru Nagai (Nagoya Univ.) Yoshio Oyanagi (Univ. of Tokyo) Aad van der Steen (ACCU) Hidehiko Tanaka (Univ. of Tokyo) Shinji Tomita (Kyoto Univ.) Takao Tsuda (Kyoto Univ.) Local Arrangement Chair : Norihiko Yoshida (Kyushu University) Tetsuya Furukawa (Kyushu University) Hiroyuki Sato (Kyushu University) Important Dates : Deadline for submission - June 28, 1991 Notification - August 9, 1991 Final paper due - September 20, 1991 Symposium - November 6-8, 1991 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Norihiko Yoshida Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering Kyushu University Hakozaki, Fukuoka 812, JAPAN phone +81-92-641-1101(ext.6081) fax +81-92-632-5204 net yoshida@csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp