[gnu.gcc.bug] cc1 dumps core

hrp%snoid.CRAY.COM@UC.MSC.UMN.EDU (Hal Peterson) (10/15/88)

GCC version 1.29

The input file is too large to send through the mail; tell me where I
can drop it by FTP and I'll do so.

command line:  "gcc -msoft-float -O -g -c crash.c"

configuration:	tm.h -> tm-sun3.h
		md -> m68k.md

running on a Sun-3/280 and a Sun-3/50, both with SunOS 3.5.

The compilation aborts with a fatal signal 11 from cc1.

Hal Peterson / Cray Research / 1440 Northland Dr. / Mendota Hts, MN  55120
hrp%hall.cray.com@uc.msc.umn.edu	bungia!cray!hrp	    (612) 681-3145