[gnu.gcc.bug] GCC 1.30 codegen bug

jm36+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (John Gardiner Myers) (10/16/88)

Gcc version:

gcc version 1.30
 /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr0/cl0x/lib/gcc/@sys/gcc-cc1 poly.i -quiet -g -version
-o poly.s
GNU C version 1.30 (68k, MIT syntax) compiled by GNU C version 1.30.

Command arguments: gcc -v -g -S poly.i

Run on a Sun3 running SunOS 3.5.  md is m68k.md, tm.h is tm-sun3.h


The address of the buffer where the return value (a struct) is placed in
register d2, but for some inputs (e.g. "%\n/") d2 is clobbered before it is

Input file:
extern  struct  _iobuf {
        int     _cnt;
        unsigned char *_ptr;
        unsigned char *_base;
        int     _bufsiz;
        short   _flag;
        char    _file;
} _iob[];

extern struct _iobuf    *fopen();
extern struct _iobuf    *fdopen();
extern struct _iobuf    *freopen();
extern struct _iobuf    *popen();
extern struct _iobuf    *tmpfile();
extern long     ftell();
extern char     *fgets();
extern char     *gets();

extern char     *ctermid();
extern char     *cuserid();
extern char     *tempnam();
extern char     *tmpnam();

extern int errno, signgam;
extern double fmod(), gamma();
extern int matherr();
extern double asinh(), acosh(), atanh();
extern double erf(), erfc();
extern double exp(), expm1(), log(), log10(), log1p(), pow();
extern double fabs(), floor(), ceil(), rint();
extern double lgamma();
extern double hypot(), cabs();
extern double copysign(), drem(), logb(), scalb();
extern int finite();
extern double j0(), j1(), jn(), y0(), y1(), yn();
extern double sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2();
extern double sinh(), cosh(), tanh();
extern double cbrt(), sqrt();
extern double modf(), ldexp(), frexp(), atof();

struct exception {
        int type;
        char *name;
        double arg1;
        double arg2;
        double retval;

typedef int jmp_buf[15];

char    *strcat();
char    *strncat();
int     strcmp();
int     strncmp();
char    *strcpy();
char    *strncpy();
int     strlen();
char    *index();
char    *rindex();

typedef struct dict_struct *Type;
typedef struct object
        int flags;
        Type type;
        int Length;
                int Integer, Boolean, Font;
                float Real;
                Type Dictionary;
                unsigned char *String;
                struct name_struct *Name;
                struct op_struct *Operator;
                struct file_struct *File;
                struct object *Array;
         } u;

 } Object;

enum file_type { StringFile, StreamFile };
struct file_struct
        enum file_type file_type;
        int available;
                unsigned char   *c_ptr;
                struct _iobuf   *f_ptr;
         } f;
struct dict_entry
        Object entry_key, entry_value;
struct dict_struct
        int dict_flags, dict_size, dict_fill;
        struct dict_entry *dict_body;
typedef struct stack
        int stack_fill, stack_size;
        Object overflow, underflow, *stack_body;
 } *Stack, StackOb;

Object NoAccess ();
Object SameFlags (), MakeObject (), Cvx (), Cvlit (), ReadOnly (), WriteOnly
(), ExecOnly ();
int OpCheck (), min (), rCheck (), wCheck (), xCheck ();
Object MakeArray (), ParseArray (), getArray (), getIArray (), *BodyArray ();
Object MakeBoolean ();
Object MakeDict (), DictLoad (), Lookup (), DictFrom (), Load ();
Type MakeType (), TypeOf (), BodyDict ();
extern int EqTrue (), Equal ();
Object FileFrom (), FileString ();
int Getch ();
struct file_struct *BodyFile ();
Object MakeInteger (), IntReal ();
Object ParseNumber ();
float Deg (), Rad ();
Object ParseId (), NameFrom (), MakeName (), Cvn (), StringName ();
unsigned char *BodyName ();
Object MakeOp (), NameOperator ();
Object Parse ();
int PolyFirst (), PolySecond (), PolyThird (), PolyPair ();
Object MakeReal (), RealInteger ();
float BodyReal (), BodyFloat ();
char *Malloc ();
Object Pop (), Top (), Where (), DictLookup ();
int Push ();
extern Object MakeString (), StringFrom (), getIString (), ParseString (),
ParseHexString ();
unsigned char *BodyString ();
int lengthString ();
extern Object PDictFull;
extern Object PDictOverflow,            PInvFont,               PSyntaxError;
extern Object PDictUnderflow,           PInvRestore,            PTypeCheck;
extern Object PExecOverflow,            PIOError,               PUndefined;
extern Object PExecUnderflow,           PLimitCheck,            PUnFilename;
extern Object PInterrupt,               PNoCurrentPoint,        PUnResult;
extern Object PInvAccess,               PRangeCheck,            PUnMatched;
extern Object PInvExit,                 POpOverflow,            PUnregistered;
extern Object PInvFileAccess,           POpUnderflow,           PVMError;
extern Type Boolean, Mark, String, Real, Poly, Operator;
extern Type Name, File, Dictionary, Condition, Null, Integer;
extern Type Array, Mark, Condition, Null, Float, FontID;
extern Object SysDict, Absent, Nil;
extern Object True, False, Marker, Self;
extern Object OpInterp, Lbracket, Rbracket;
extern Object StatementEdit, Fstdin, Fstdout, Fstderr;
extern Stack OpStack, ExecStack, DictStack;
extern jmp_buf env;
extern int interactive, verbose;
extern char default_library[], *library;
extern unsigned char *Bcopy ();
extern struct _iobuf *vfp, *Fopen ();
extern void Fclose ();

extern int getchbuf;

Object DictFind();

static int Copy ();
int PolyFirst (), PolySecond (), PolyThird (), PolyPair ();

Object Parse (f) Object f;
        Object res;
        int c;

        for (;;)
         switch (c =  (( ( ((f).u.File)->available != 0) &&
((f).u.File)->file_type == StreamFile) ? ((getchbuf =  (--(
((f).u.File)->f.f_ptr)->_cnt>=0? ((int)*(
((f).u.File)->f.f_ptr)->_ptr++):_filbuf( ((f).u.File)->f.f_ptr))), ((getchbuf
!= (-1)) ? getchbuf : (( ((f).u.File)->available = 0), Close (f), (-1)))) :
GeneralGetch (f)))
                default:  Ungetch (f, c);
                        res = ParseId (f);
                        if ( ((res).type) == Integer ||  ((res).type) == Real)
                                return res;
                                return Cvx (res);

                case '/': return ParseId (f);
                case '{': return Cvx (ParseArray (f));
                case '}': return True;
                case '[': return Lbracket;
                case ']': return Rbracket;
                case '<': return ParseHexString (f);
                case '(': return ParseString (f);
                case ')': return Absent;

                case (-1): return False;

                case ' ':
                case '\t':
                case '\n':


                case '%':
                        while ((c =  (( ( ((f).u.File)->available != 0) &&
((f).u.File)->file_type == StreamFile) ? ((getchbuf =  (--(
((f).u.File)->f.f_ptr)->_cnt>=0? ((int)*(
((f).u.File)->f.f_ptr)->_ptr++):_filbuf( ((f).u.File)->f.f_ptr))), ((getchbuf
!= (-1)) ? getchbuf : (( ((f).u.File)->available = 0), Close (f), (-1)))) :
GeneralGetch (f))) != '\n' && c != (-1))
                        Ungetch (f, c);

Annotated output:

        .stabs "poly.i",100,0,0,Ltext
.stabs "int:t1=r1;-2147483648;2147483647;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "char:t2=r2;0;127;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "long int:t3=r1;-2147483648;2147483647;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "unsigned int:t4=r1;0;-1;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "long unsigned int:t5=r1;0;-1;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "short int:t6=r1;-32768;32767;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "long long int:t7=r1;0;-1;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "short unsigned int:t8=r1;0;65535;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "long long unsigned int:t9=r1;0;-1;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "signed char:t10=r1;-128;127;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "unsigned char:t11=r1;0;255;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "float:t12=r1;4;0;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "double:t13=r1;8;0;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "long double:t14=r1;8;0;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "void:t15=15",128,0,0,0
.stabs "exception:T16=s32type:1,0,32;name:17=*2,32,32;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "arg1:13,64,64;arg2:13,128,64;retval:13,192,64;;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "_iobuf:T18=s20_cnt:1,0,32;_ptr:19=*11,32,32;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "_base:19,64,32;_bufsiz:1,96,32;_flag:6,128,16;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "_file:2,144,8;;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "jmp_buf:t20=ar1;0;14;1",128,0,0,0
.stabs "Type:t21=*22=xsdict_struct:",128,0,0,0
.stabs "object:T23=s16flags:1,0,32;type:21,32,32;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "Length:1,64,32;u:24=u4Integer:1,0,32;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "Boolean:1,0,32;Font:1,0,32;Real:12,0,32;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "Array:31=*23,0,32;;,96,32;;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "Object:t23",128,0,0,0
.stabs "stack:T32=s44stack_fill:1,0,32;stack_size:1,32,32;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "dict_entry:T33=s32entry_key:23,0,128;entry_value:23,128,128;;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "file_type:T34=eStringFile:0,StreamFile:1,;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "file_struct:T30=s12file_type:34,0,32;available:1,32,32;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "f:35=u4c_ptr:19,0,32;f_ptr:36=*18,0,32;;,64,32;;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "dict_struct:T22=s16dict_flags:1,0,32;dict_size:1,32,32;\\",128,0,0,0
.stabs "dict_fill:1,64,32;dict_body:37=*33,96,32;;",128,0,0,0
.stabs "Stack:t38=*32",128,0,0,0
.stabs "StackOb:t32",128,0,0,0
.globl _Parse
        .stabd 68,0,165
        link a6,#-20
        moveml #0x3000,sp@-
        movel a1,d2             <<<<< d2 initialized w/addr of return struct.
        .stabd 68,0,170
        .stabd 68,0,171
        movel a6@(20),a0
        tstl a0@(4)
        jeq L32
        movel a6@(20),a0
        moveq #1,d1
        cmpl a0@,d1
        jne L32
        movel a6@(20),a0
        movel a0@(8),a0
        subql #1,a0@
        tstl a0@
        jlt L34
        movel a6@(20),a0
        movel a0@(8),d0
        movel d0,d0
        movel d0,a0
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1
        clrl d0
        moveb a1@,d0
        movel d0,_getchbuf
        addql #1,a0@
        jra L35
        movel a6@(20),a0
        movel a0@(8),sp@-
        jbsr __filbuf
        addqw #4,sp
        movel d0,_getchbuf
        moveq #-1,d1
        cmpl _getchbuf,d1
        jeq L36
        movel _getchbuf,d3
        jra L37
        movel a6@(20),a0
        clrl a0@(4)
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        jbsr _Close
        addw #16,sp
        moveq #-1,d3
        jra L33
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        jbsr _GeneralGetch
        addw #16,sp
        movel d0,d3
        movel d3,d0
        movel d0,a6@(-20)
        addql #1,d0
        moveq #126,d1
        cmpl d1,d0
        jhi L6
        movew pc@(L31-LI31-2:b,d0:l:2),d0
        jmp pc@(2,d0:w)
        .word L18-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L20-L31
        .word L21-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
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        .word L6-L31
        .word L19-L31
        .word L6-L31
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        .word L6-L31
        .word L22-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L16-L31
        .word L17-L31
        .word L6-L31
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        .word L10-L31
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        .word L15-L31
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        .word L13-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L14-L31
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        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L11-L31
        .word L6-L31
        .word L12-L31
        .stabd 68,0,173
        movel a6@(-20),sp@-
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        jbsr _Ungetch
        .stabd 68,0,174
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        moveq #-16,d0
        addl a6,d0
        movel d0,a1
        jbsr _ParseId
        .stabd 68,0,175
        addw #36,sp
        movel a6@(-12),d1
        cmpl _Integer,d1
        jeq L8
        cmpl _Real,d1
        jeq L8
        jra L7
        .stabd 68,0,176
        lea a6@(-16),a0
        movel d2,a1             <<<<< d2 used as addr of return struct.
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        jra L1
        jra L9
        .stabd 68,0,178
        movel a6,a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        movel d2,a1             <<<<< d2 used as addr of return struct.
        jbsr _Cvx
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,180
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        movel d2,a1             <<<<< d2 used as addr of return struct. (etc)
        jbsr _ParseId
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,181
        subw #16,sp
        movel sp,d0
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        movel d0,a1
        jbsr _ParseArray
        addw #16,sp
        movel d2,a1
        jbsr _Cvx
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,182
        lea _True,a0
        movel d2,a1
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,183
        lea _Lbracket,a0
        movel d2,a1
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,184
        lea _Rbracket,a0
        movel d2,a1
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,185
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        movel d2,a1
        jbsr _ParseHexString
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,186
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        movel d2,a1
        jbsr _ParseString
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,187
        lea _Absent,a0
        movel d2,a1
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,189
        lea _False,a0
        movel d2,a1
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1@
        addqw #4,a1
        addqw #4,a0
        jra L1
        .stabd 68,0,195
        jra L4
        .stabd 68,0,198
        movel a6@(20),a0
        tstl a0@(4)
        jeq L25
        movel a6@(20),a0
        moveq #1,d1
        cmpl a0@,d1
        jne L25
        movel a6@(20),a0
        movel a0@(8),a0
        subql #1,a0@
        tstl a0@
        jlt L27
        movel a6@(20),a0
        movel a0@(8),d0
        movel d0,d0
        movel d0,a0
        addqw #4,a0
        movel a0@,a1
        clrl d0
        moveb a1@,d0
        movel d0,_getchbuf
        addql #1,a0@
        jra L28
        movel a6@(20),a0
        movel a0@(8),sp@-
        jbsr __filbuf
        addqw #4,sp
        movel d0,_getchbuf
        moveq #-1,d1
        cmpl _getchbuf,d1
        jeq L29
        movel _getchbuf,d2              <<<<< d2 Clobbered
        jra L30
        movel a6@(20),a0
        clrl a0@(4)
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        jbsr _Close
        addw #16,sp
        moveq #-1,d2
        jra L26
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        jbsr _GeneralGetch
        addw #16,sp
        movel d0,d2
        movel d2,d0
        movel d0,a6@(-20)
        moveq #10,d1
        cmpl d0,d1
        jeq L24
        moveq #-1,d1
        cmpl a6@(-20),d1
        jeq L24
        jra L23
        .stabd 68,0,200
        movel a6@(-20),sp@-
        lea a6@(24),a0
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        subql #4,a0
        movel a0@,sp@-
        jbsr _Ungetch
        .stabd 68,0,201
        addw #20,sp
        jra L4
        .stabd 68,0,170
        jra L2
        .stabd 68,0,203
        moveml a6@(-28),#0xc
        unlk a6
.stabs "Parse:F23",36,0,0,_Parse
.stabs "f:p23",160,0,0,8
.stabs "c:1",128,0,0,-20
.stabn 192,0,0,LBB2
.stabn 224,0,0,LBE2