[gnu.gcc.bug] gnu 1.28/386 prototype bug

james@bigtex.cactus.org (James Van Artsdalen) (10/19/88)

There appears to be a bug in gcc 1.28/386 in function prototype handling.

/usr4/src/ghostscript> cat tmp.c
void debug_print_string(unsigned char *chrs, unsigned short len);

debug_print_string(chrs, len)
unsigned char *chrs;
unsigned short len;
/usr4/src/ghostscript> gcc -v -c tmp.c
gcc version 1.28
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-cpp -v -undef -D__GNU__ -D__GNUC__ -Dunix -Di386 tmp.c /tmp/cca03940.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.28
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-cc1 /tmp/cca03940.cpp -quiet -dumpbase tmp.c -version -o /tmp/cca03940.s

In function debug_print_string:
tmp.c:7: argument `len' doesn't match function prototype
GNU C version 1.28 (80386, ATT syntax) compiled by GNU C version 1.28.
James R. Van Artsdalen      james@bigtex.cactus.org      "Live Free or Die"
Home: 512-346-2444 Work: 338-8789       9505 Arboretum Blvd Austin TX 78759