[gnu.gcc.bug] Solution to ioctl problem found

earle%prophet@SUN.COM (Greg Earle) (10/19/88)

Many people have been gracious enough to point out that the file
should have been altered and stored in /usr/local/lib/gcc-include/sys by
`fixincludes'.  Because this was not true, I went to find out why.

The real reason for the problem is that the `fixincludes' script does not
work under SunOS 4.0, because it makes use of the `dirname' command which
was inadvertently left off the SunOS 4.0 release tapes.  This causes the
`fixincludes' script to fail for most cases, and a new (fixed) version of
`ioccom.h' was never created.  This caused the problem.

For anyone interested, to fix this problem just obtain a copy of the 
/usr/bin/dirname shell script from any SunOS 3.5 system (or, more specifically,
look at your own SunOS 3.x `dirname'; if it has an sccsid that contains
	`from S5R2 1.2'
then it is a correct version.  To make it a `proper' 4.0 version, change the
version number to `@(#)dirname.sh 1.4 88/02/08'

I have submitted this oversight as a bug.

	- Greg Earle
	  Sun Los Angeles Consulting
	  poseur!earle@lroy.JPL.NASA.GOV	(quicker)

earle@MAHENDO.JPL.NASA.GOV (Greg Earle) (10/20/88)

In article <8810182235.AA04232@prophet.sun.com> I wrote:
>The real reason for the problem is that the `fixincludes' script does not
>work under SunOS 4.0, because it makes use of the `dirname' command which
>was inadvertently left off the SunOS 4.0 release tapes.  This causes the
>`fixincludes' script to fail for most cases, and a new (fixed) version of
>`ioccom.h' was never created.  This caused the problem.

Whoops!  Check that; `dirname' was NOT left off the SunOS 4.0 release tapes;
it is part of the `System V' software that I steadfastly refuse to dump onto
my system.  So, Sun users, beware, if you don't install the `System V' software
during `suninstall' this will bite you, when you try to run `fixincludes'.

>I have submitted this oversight as a bug.

Not now I haven't ... :^)

	- Greg